You currently viewing the 2020 - 2021 Academic Catalog/Student Handbook. The current catalog is located here.


Curriculum Description

The Nanotechnology curriculum prepares students to characterize and fabricate materials for biological, textile, chemical, and electrical applications at the atomic level.

Course work includes biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and an extensive array of very detailed nanotechnology-specific courses, using high-tech equipment and complying with high-precision quality control and clean-room protocols with a multidisciplinary focus.

Graduates should qualify for various positions in industry and government, including research and development, materials testing and processing, optics and sensors, electron microscopy, and emerging nanotechnology industries.

This diploma is intended for the student who has completed a two-year technical or four-year scientific degree and would like to obtain education and training equivalent to that of the AAS for entry into the contemporary Nanotech workforce.

The following represents one way in which the diploma can be completed. Students who aren’t able to follow the recommended curriculum model below should consult their academic advisor to be sure that they take courses in the best order for their success.


NC CIP: 15.1601
POS Approved: Fall 2020

Fall Semester

Course Course Title Class Hours Lab/Shop Hours Clinical/WBL Hours Credit Hours
BIO 111 General Biology I REVISED REQUISITE 3 3 0 4
CHM 131 Introduction to Chemistry REVISED REQUISITE 3 0 0 3
NAN 111 Intro to Nanotechnology 3 0 0 3
NAN 132 Nano Regulations & Ethics 2 0 0 2
NAN 241 Nanofabrication 3 2 0 4
NAN 243 Nanocharacterization 3 2 0 4
  Total: 17 7 0 20

Spring Semester

Course Course Title Class Hours Lab/Shop Hours Clinical/WBL Hours Credit Hours
ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry NEW VERSION 3 0 0 3
NAN 112 Fund of Nanosci 3 0 0 3
NAN 131 Nano Safety Practices 2 0 0 2
NAN 242 Nanofab of Thin Films 3 2 0 4
PHY 131 Physics-Mechanics 3 2 0 4
Select four credit hours:
Electron Microscopy 3 2 0 4
Biological AFM Microscopy (3) (2) (0) (4)
Work-Based Learning I (0) (0) (10) (1)
  Total: 17 6 0 20

Total Credit Hours: 40

Additional Information

All course prerequisites must be completed prior to taking high level nanotechnology courses.

💙 February 12 is Forsyth Tech’s Day of Giving! 💙 Your gift changes lives—support students, faculty, and staff today!
Holiday Update! 🎅 Campus closed, but get virtual help for spring registration on Dec 20, 23, 27, 30 (8 AM-4 PM).