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Instruc Strat/Read & Writ

Course Course Title Class Lab/ Shop Clinical/ Co-op Credit
EDU 281 Instruc Strat/Read & Writ 2 2 0 3
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
Effective Term: Fall 2020

This course covers concepts, resources, and methods for teaching reading and writing to elementary through middle-grade children. Topics include the importance of literacy, learning styles, skills assessment, various reading and writing approaches and instructional strategies. Upon completion, students should be able to assess, plan, implement and evaluate school-age literacy experiences as related to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. 

2014FA - New Course Version (S23740)

2019SP - Revised State Coreq: Added ENG 002 or ENG 111

2020FA – New Course Version (S25398)