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Advanced Airway Management

Course Course Title Class Lab/ Shop Clinical/ Co-op Credit
EMS 131 Advanced Airway Management 1 2 0 2
Prerequisites: EMS 110
Corequisites: None
Effective Term: Spring 2019

This course is designed to provide advanced airway management techniques and is required for paramedic certification. Topics must meet current guidelines for advanced airway management in the pre-hospital setting. Upon completion, students should be able to properly utilize all airway adjuncts and pharmacology associated with airway control and maintenance.

2011FA Local Prereqs Added: BIO 165 or BIO 168 and ENG 090 with grade of C or better

2014FA - New Course Version (S23875)

2019SP - Revised Local Prereq: Add ENG 002

2019FA – New Course Version (S25188)

2020FA - Revised Local Prereq: Delete DRE 098, ENG 002, BIO 165, BIO 168, Add BIO 163

2021FA – Delete Local Prereq: BIO 163


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