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Student Services and Support Services

Increasing Student Success through Effective Academic Advising

In October 2005, Forsyth Tech was awarded a five-year Title III, Part A Strengthening Institutions federal grant. The Increasing Student Success through Effective Academic Advising project is funded 79.42% by the United States Department of Education and 20.58% by Forsyth Technical Community College. The purpose of the grant is to improve academic advising by creating a Student Success Center as part of institutional services offered to curriculum students.

The grant is allowing Forsyth Tech to enhance opportunities for each student to attain his or her educational and career goals by integrating improvements into the College’s academic advising system. The activity funded with Title III support will result in a more detailed and accurate assessment of each student’s abilities and goals. Initial application data, assessment results, and other pertinent information will be placed in an Electronic Student Profile and used to create an individualized Learning Plan for each new student.

Student Success Center

The Student Success Center, funded by a Title III grant, provides advising, counseling, career, and disability services for students as they work to attain their academic and career goals. The center provides information regarding campus resources and academic programs and offers orientation and advising sessions to help students achieve their academic and career goals.


Forsyth Tech has an advisor/advisee program that is designed to provide a more personal atmosphere for the student and to increase communication between students and faculty. After the first semester each student is assigned an academic advisor who provides information related to program content, course content and prerequisite requirements, graduation requirements and general information. Academic advisors assist in course planning and scheduling and also make referrals such as services for personal counseling, financial aid counseling or academic tutoring.


Counselors serve as consultants to faculty and staff in helping to meet the educational needs of students. A student experiencing academic or personal difficulties may meet with a counselor. Students needing additional services may be referred to appropriate community agencies or resource persons.

The counseling staff adheres to the ethical standards of the American Counseling Association and the National Board for Certified Counselors. All discussions and consultations are confidential; however, exceptions may be made when students present a danger to themselves or others or under subpoena by court.

Career Services

Career exploration and planning assistance is provided to help individuals identify career goals. Group intake sessions evaluate the needs of participants using a variety of inventories to help explore interest areas. Follow-up appointments provide personalized information. In addition, occupational information is available to assist in exploration of career options. Other sources of helpful information in such areas as career/employment, mental health and educational planning are available on the counseling services’ Web site at

Students and alumni who register with Career Services have access to job listings received from regional employers. In addition, Career Services sponsors job fairs, career days and on-campus interviews. Employment assistance is provided to individual students and alumni in writing resumes, cover letters and interview preparation. Handouts and resource materials on job-search and job market information are available in the Career Services Office. Classroom and community presentations on resumes, cover letters, interviews and other job search topics are conducted by a counselor and career services technician.

Disability Services

Disability Services is dedicated to meeting the needs of the increasing number of college students with disabilities. Our mission is to ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities at Forsyth Tech.

Forsyth Tech strives to empower students in every way possible, believing that by empowering students to maximize their abilities, the foundation for college success is built. In strict compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, no otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall solely by reason of his or her disability be excluded from the participation in, denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or any activity of this institution.

Students who have a disability and would like to request services and accommodations such as note takers, readers, extended test time, assistive technology devices, etc., must register with Disability Services. They will be required to provide current, official documentation of their disability. Information provided by a student is voluntary and appropriate confidentiality is maintained.

Students who need assistance for academic services should call the ADA/Disabilities Services coordinator at 336.734.7155. Services are designed and developed on an individual-needs basis, and students may elect to use any or all of the services appropriate to their needs at no charge. An appointment is required to discuss individual accommodations.

Also, the College has a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD/ TTY). The number is 336.723.3411.

James A. Rousseau II Minority Male Mentoring Program


The overall mission of the James A. Rousseau II Minority Male Mentoring Program (MMMP) is to provide appropriate support services and other incentives to improve the retention and graduation rate of minority males at the College. The program also seeks to provide practical knowledge of budgeting, investing, savings and other life management skills. The primary delivery formats include mentoring, information sessions and workshops.


  • Provide both individual and group mentors for students.
  • Select faculty and community leaders to serve as mentors.
  • Role models and peer assistants promote adaptation integration of minority students to the College.
  • Assist students with career assessment and planning and direct them to the appropriate resources.

Information Sessions

We provide an open forum for minority males to discuss issues and concerns with professionals to mentor students. Throughout the year, minority male students participate in monthly meetings/information sessions where speakers share their expertise and advice in regard to their chosen professions.


Throughout the year workshops are held on the following topics: domestic violence awareness, financial security, study skills/test taking skills, employability skills, and legal issues in domestic problems.

For more information about this program, contact the Recruiting/Minority Services Office (1st Floor), Allman Center, Main Campus at 336.734.7260.

Shugart Women’s Center at Forsyth Tech

The overall mission of the Shugart Women’s Center at Forsyth Tech is to promote the educational, personal and professional development of women attending Forsyth Tech by providing advocacy, referrals, information and resources to assist in achieving positive outcomes.

The director of the Shugart Women’s Center is available to provide counseling and appropriate agency referrals based on individual needs. Information obtained during a session remains confidential. Referral agencies include: Experiment in Self-Reliance (ESR), Family Services, Inc., Housing Authority of Winston-Salem, Work/Family Resource Center, Department of Social Services (DSS), Salvation Army and various other local agencies.

New Year, New Friend, New You Mentoring Program was established to aid women who are facing various challenges to their success. It is designed to pair female students who may be feeling overwhelmed, hopeless, or sensing a lack of direction and guidance with women who have grown and learned from life experiences, i.e., single motherhood, financial hardship, serious illness, family problems, etc.

The Shugart Women’s Center houses a substantial collection of more than 550 donated books, tapes and magazines for students, staff and faculty use. The Resource Library is available for students to study or just relax. A computer with internet access is available for students to complete assignments or to do research. Materials may be checked out. This area also may be utilized for small group meetings.

The Shugart Women’s Center sponsors numerous empowerment sessions throughout the year. Topics include, but are not limited to: health awareness, women & addictions, domestic violence, stress management and self defense. Information displays are set up throughout our campuses during the year. These displays focus on topics that impact the lives of all people such as: cancer awareness, child abuse awareness, domestic violence awareness, health awareness, etc.

The Enhancement Center is stocked with professional and casual clothing for female students in need. Items are donated by individuals and by organizations. Clothing distributions are held throughout the year.

For more information about this program, contact the Shugart Women’s Center (2nd floor), Hauser Hall, Main Campus at 336.734.7280.

Learning Resources


The Library’s collection includes more than 40,000 books and audio-visual software. Most materials may be checked out for two weeks. Although no fines are charged, students are responsible for replacing books that are lost or damaged. Until replacement is made, library privileges will be revoked, the student will not be permitted to register and the student’s record will be sealed. Members of the library staff are always available to help students locate and use the library resources. Internet access and NCLive are available to library users. Additional information on the Library, its services and supporting links can be found at the Library’s Techlink site, under “College Services.”

Located on the 1st floor of Ardmore Hall, Main Campus, the library is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. until 9 p.m. and on Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 3 p.m.; Saturday hours are from 9 a.m. to noon, except during the summer term.

The Language Lab

The Mechtild Montgomery Language Lab, providing support for language learning, is located in Room 204 of the Tech Building. Housing twenty computers, the lab is equipped with Rosetta Stone software in support of the following languages: Arabic, Chinese Mandarin, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Russian and Spanish. Lab hours may vary from semester to semester but are posted on the door and at the Language Lab’s Tecklink site.

The lab is available to students and employees for language related study and review.

Learning Center

Located on the 1st floor of Ardmore Hall, Main Campus, the Learning Center offers a variety of services and programs designed to assist both faculty and students.

Tutoring Services - Tutoring services offer several methods for helping students who are having academic difficulties. Tutoring is done one-on-one or in small group sessions two to three times a week by tutors, primarily fellow students, who have received training. Assistance is offered in virtually every academic course offered on Main Campus. The Learning Center has math and science tutoring centers, all staffed by well-qualified lab assistants. Students can use these centers on a drop-in basis. Both tutoring and tutoring center help are free to students, but students must be referred by their instructor. In addition, the Learning Center staff conduct a variety of workshops on learning skills. The various tutoring services share the goal of increasing retention rates while helping Forsyth Tech students become independent, lifelong learners.

Computers for Writing Papers - The Learning Center has PCs with Internet access for students to write class papers, reports, assignments, etc. This free service is available to any enrolled student doing class-related work.

An additional computer lab, located in Room 246, Hauser Hall, Main Campus is available providing support to the students of the Business Information Technologies Division. For more information on the Business Information Technology lab call 336.734.7233.

Services for Instructors - The Learning Center has several services for instructors. The center can administer make-up tests for instructors whose students miss a test; it houses and distributes the materials for the telecourses, and it can provide special accommodations to help instructors comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

The Winston-Salem Teachers Academy

Established in 2002, the Winston-Salem Teachers Academy exists to provide assistance and guidance to prospective teachers for the Forsyth and Stokes County schools. The purpose of the Academy is to provide a center for information, credential review and referral services to students contemplating teaching careers in grades K-12. The goal is to provide a single location for information and assistance that will result in a greater pool of unconditionally licensed teachers for the two counties served by the College. Services include general information regarding pathways into teacher education programs for students pursuing a bachelor’s degree, guidance for non-teaching degree individuals and currently employed lateral-entry teachers who are seeking licensure.

At Forsyth Tech, the following degrees are suitable pathways into teacher education programs at four-year institutions:

  • Pre-Major in Elementary, Middle Grades and Special Education
  • Pre-Major in Biology and Biology Education
  • Pre-Major in Chemistry and Chemistry Education
  • Pre-Major in Math Education
  • Early Childhood Education - Teacher Associate
  • Early Childhood Education - Special Education

The academy is a collaborative effort of Forsyth Tech, Winston-Salem State University and the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools and is located at Forsyth Tech’s Woodruff Center on Lansing Drive. For more information, call 336.734.7972.

Other Services


Forsyth Tech operates three college bookstores as a service to students, faculty and staff. The Main Campus Bookstore (1st floor), Technology Student Services Building, Main Campus offers a full line of traditional college store merchandise, including textbooks, school supplies and other course-related material, plus first-quality backpacks, emblematic apparel, Forsyth Tech gift items and educationally priced computer software. The West Campus Bookstore, Room 10, carries an abbreviated selection of the above materials, focusing on course materials for adult high school, corporate and continuing education, adult basic skills, English as a second language and other West Campus programs. The Northwest Forsyth Center Bookstore also carries an abbreviated selection of materials, which focus on the programs and courses offered at the Center.

The Bookstore stocks as many used texts as possible at the beginning of each semester and students have the opportunity to sell their used books at the end of each semester. With receipt, credit students may receive full refunds for course books during the first 10 class days only.

Corporate & Continuing Education textbooks may be returned, with receipt, for full refunds prior to the first day of class.

Hours of operation of the College bookstores are posted at each location and on Techlink.

Books may also be purchased on the Web site: search ”student bookstore”.

Book Return Policy

  • Last day of returns: 10th class day (posted in the store).
  • No refund without receipt.
  • No cash refunds on grants.
  • Books must be unmarked and in good condition.

New books with names written inside will be refunded at used book price, even if the course is canceled.

Housing Information

Since Forsyth Tech has no residence halls, students must make their own housing arrangements. Limited housing and apartment information may be obtained from Counseling, Career and Disability Services (1st Floor), Allman Center, Main Campus.

Health Services

Limited health services are provided through the Campus Police. First aid supplies are located in shop areas; however, injuries requiring more than minor first aid will be treated in the emergency room of either Forsyth Medical Center or Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center.

Food Services

The Grill, located on the lower level of Hauser Hall, Main Campus offers breakfast and lunch daily, 7:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. during spring and fall. Summer term hours may vary. For information about meal plans, please contact the food services manager at 336.734.7338.

Vending services are available in the Technology Student Services Building, Snyder Hall, Allman Center, Parkway Building, Carolina Building and Greene Hall (all located on Main Campus); the Swisher Center; West Campus; the Woodruff Center and the Northwest Forsyth Center.

Located on the North end of the Parkway Building, the Bytes and Beans Cafe offers premium coffee products, sandwiches, salads, snacks, cakes, and pies in a positive collegiate atmosphere. Forsyth Tech students and staff have a place to buy coffee and relax, study, or simply chat in an adult setting. The Bytes and Beans Cafe has wireless internet access from Clearwire.

Lost and Found

The Campus Police handles lost and found articles on the Main Campus. On other campuses, the Information/Registration Centers handle lost and found articles. All lost articles of value should be reported to the Campus Police.

Student Center

A student center is located on the lower level of the Technology Building, Main Campus. Students are invited to use the center as a place to meet, talk, eat and relax.

Campus Information

Telephone Calls to Students

Forsyth Tech does not have the facilities to forward general telephone messages to students and will not do so except in the case of an emergency. Emergency calls should be directed to the Student Success Center, Campus Police or appropriate dean’s office. Those calling in an emergency will be asked to state the nature of the emergency and to give their name and a return telephone number. Forsyth Tech staff will then make every effort to relay this information to students.

The policy of Forsyth Tech is not to give out identifying information about students to telephone callers and/or unidentified persons without the permission of the student (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act). The Records Office only handles inquiries concerning students’ records.

Use of Facilities

  • The buildings and their contents exist solely for the education of Forsyth Tech’s adult population and the use of these facilities for any other purpose is strictly prohibited.
  • Effective August 15, 2010, smoking shall not be permitted in any building or the surrounding grounds owned or used by Forsyth Tech. This includes all campuses, centers and locations. Smoking shall not be permitted in any College, government or private vehicle operated or parked on grounds owned or used by Forsyth Tech.
  • Animals are prohibited inside the buildings (except for seeing eye dogs for the visually impaired). Any animal on the campus grounds must be on a leash in compliance with the City of Winston-Salem Leash Law (City Code Ordinance chapter 6-16 Section 3-18).

Children are not allowed in classrooms or shop areas during class sessions, nor may they be left unattended in the library, The Grill, student lounge, or on campus grounds.

💙 February 12 is Forsyth Tech’s Day of Giving! 💙 Your gift changes lives—support students, faculty, and staff today!
Holiday Update! 🎅 Campus closed, but get virtual help for spring registration on Dec 20, 23, 27, 30 (8 AM-4 PM).