You currently viewing the 2012 - 2013 Academic Catalog. The current catalog is located here.

Dental Assisting

Curriculum Description

The Dental Assisting curriculum prepares individuals to assist the dentist in delivery of dental treatment and to function as integral members of the dental team while performing chair side and related office and laboratory procedures.

Course work includes instruction in general studies, biomedical sciences, dental sciences, clinical sciences and clinical practice. A combination of lecture, laboratory, and clinical experience provides students with knowledge in infection/hazard control, radiography, dental materials, preventive dentistry and clinical procedures.

Graduates may be eligible to take the Dental Assisting National Board Examination to become Certified Dental Assistants. As a Dental Assistant II, defined by the Dental Laws of North Carolina, graduates work in dental offices and other related areas.

The following represents one way in which the program of study can be completed. Students who aren’t able to follow this plan should consult their academic advisor to be sure that they take courses in the best order for their success.


NC CIP: 51.0601
POS Approved: Fall 2012

Fall Semester

Course Course Title Class Hours Lab/Shop Hours Clinical/WBL Hours Credit Hours
BIO 110 Principles of Biology 3 3 0 4
DEN 101 Preclinical Procedures 4 6 0 7
DEN 110 Orofacial Anatomy 2 2 0 3
DEN 111 Infection/Hazard Control 2 0 0 2
DEN 112 Dental Radiography 2 3 0 3
  Total: 13 14 0 19

Spring Semester

Course Course Title Class Hours Lab/Shop Hours Clinical/WBL Hours Credit Hours
DEN 102 Dental Materials 3 4 0 5
DEN 103 Dental Sciences 2 0 0 2
DEN 104 Dental Health Education 2 2 0 3
DEN 105 Practice Management 2 0 0 2
DEN 106 Clinical Practice I 1 0 12 5
  Total: 10 6 12 17

Summer Term

Course Course Title Class Hours Lab/Shop Hours Clinical/WBL Hours Credit Hours
DEN 107 Clinical Practice II 1 0 12 5
Select one:
Introduction to Communication (3) (0) (0) (3)
Intro Interpersonal Com (3) (0) (0) (3)
Public Speaking (3) (0) (0) (3)
Oral Communication 3 0 0 3
Select one:
Interpersonal Psychology (3) (0) (0) (3)
General Psychology 3 0 0 3
  Total: 7 0 12 11

Total Credit Hours: 47

Additional Information

Additional admissions requirements:

  1. High school diploma with completion of high school or college credits in biology and algebra.
  2. Completion of program orientation requirements.
  3. Overall grade point average of 2.0 on those courses completed at Forsyth Tech and listed as program course requirements.
  4. Completion of the Forsyth Tech Student Medical Form (includes an eye and dental examination).

Program Information
This program has limited enrollment and has deadline requirements. Students are chosen by a selective admissions process based on grades earned in required related courses (i.e., biology, communications and psychology). The Admissions Office can provide additional information on the selection process. Dental Assisting students are required to maintain a C average in both lecture and laboratory in order to satisfactorily complete any course in the program. Students are allowed to make one (1) D in a DEN or BIO course and continue on academic probation. If students make a second D or the first F in any DEN or BIO courses, then they are not allowed to continue in the full-time program.

Accreditation does require a specific number of class, lab and clinical hours for the student to graduate, so there are strict attendance rules. If the student surpasses the allowed number of hours missed, they will be dropped from the program and will have to reapply for the next year. Readmission may be possible but requires reapplying and approval by the college.

*Students should select this course if they plan on enrolling in the Dental Hygiene program.

Criminal Background Checks/Drug Screening
Clinical agencies require criminal background checks and/or drug screening for students assigned to their facility for clinical education. In addition, national and/or state registry and/or licensure boards may prohibit eligibility for registry or licensure based on criminal background records. Please refer to the Health Technologies section on

**Hours will vary depending on course selection.

General Education Courses

Written Communication:

COM 110, COM 120

Oral Communication

COM 231, ENG 115

Behavioral and Social Science:

PSY 118, PSY 150


BIO 110


DEN 106

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Holiday Update! 🎅 Campus closed, but get virtual help for spring registration on Dec 20, 23, 27, 30 (8 AM-4 PM).