You currently viewing the 2015 - 2016 Academic Catalog. The current catalog is located here.

General Information


Forsyth Technical Community College is one of 58 institutions operating in the North Carolina Community College System, a statewide organization of public, two-year and post-secondary educational institutions. The statutes of the state of North Carolina provide for the organization and administration of a community college system under the direction of the state board of community colleges. This 20-member board has full authority to adopt all policies, regulations and standards it deems necessary for the operation of the system. The governor and the General Assembly appoint members of the state board. The state board has three major functions: equitable distribution of funds and fiscal accountability, establishing and maintaining state priorities, and educational program approval and accountability.

Forsyth Technical Community College is governed by a 13-member board of trustees - four appointed by the governor of North Carolina, four appointed by the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education and four appointed by the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners. The Student Government Association president serves as a nonvoting member. Trustees are appointed to four-year terms and set local policy for the College.


Forsyth Technical Community College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate degrees, diplomas and certificates. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Forsyth Technical Community College.

The College is a member in good standing of the American Association of Community Colleges.

Specialized Program Accrediting and Approval Agencies

  • Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP), 1361 Park Street, Clearwater, FL 33756, 727.210.2350,
  • Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JRCEDMS), 2025 Woodlane Drive, St. Paul, MN 55125-2998, 651.731.1582,

On the new chart, Medical Sonography is accredited by CAAHEP and JRCEDMS isn’t listed.

  • Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology (JRCNMT), 2000 West Danforth Road, Suite 130 #203, Edmond, OK 73003, 405.285.0546,
  • Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT), 20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago, IL 60606-3182, 312.704.5300,
  • National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Early Childhood Associate Degree Accreditation, 1313 L Street, NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005-4101, 1-800-424-2460,
  • National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF), 101 Blue Seal Drive, Suite 101, Leesburg, VA 20175, 703.669.6650,
  • North Carolina Board of Nursing (NCBON), P. O. Box 2129, Raleigh, NC 27602, 919.782.3211,
  • The Computer Engineering Technology and  Electronics Engineering Technology programs are accredited by the  Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202, 410.347.7700,
  • North Carolina Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy (NCBMBT), P. O. Box 2539, Raleigh, NC 27602, 919.546.0050,
  • American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacist (ASHP), 7272 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814, 1-866-279-0681
  • The Forsyth Technical Community College Medical Assisting Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP), on recommendation of the Curriculum Review Board of the American Association of Medical Assistants Endowment (AAMAE). Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, 20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 1575, Chicago, IL 60606, 312.899.1500,
  • The Respiratory Therapy program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC), 1248 Harwood Road, Bedford, TX 76021-4244,  817.283.2835, (
  • American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation
  • Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission

North Carolina Community College Performance Measures


























Fall 2011






Fall 2006














System Goal









System Baseline









Average College Percentage









System Totals
(All Students)











For 51 years, Forsyth Technical Community College ideals have remained the same: to provide quality education and training for the citizens of North Carolina. Forsyth Tech’s first classes began in the fall of 1960. Automotive mechanics, machine shop, electronics and practical nursing were among the first course offerings at the new Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Industrial Education Center, Forsyth Tech’s first name.

Nineteen sixty-three witnessed the establishment of the North Carolina Department of Community Colleges and with that, the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Industrial Education Center passed to the new community college system. In 1964 came a new name, Forsyth Technical Institute and commitment to the community grew steadily with the addition of the General Adult Enrichment Courses in 1964-65. Adult Basic Education began at the Institute in the summer of 1965.

The 1970’s brought more change and expansion for Forsyth Technical Institute. The allied health program was created in the fall and winter of 1971-72, offering courses in three areas: nuclear medicine, radiological technology and respiratory therapy. The criminal justice program was added in 1971. And in the fall of 1972, a two-year nursing degree program was added. In 1974 the College Foundation was created to work with alumni to raise funds for buildings, programs and scholarships.

In the 1980’s, expansion led to the acquisition of the Dalton Junior High School site, which became the Institute’s West Campus site in Winston-Salem, and ground was broken for a technology building, Hauser Hall, on the main campus site.

Nineteen eighty-five saw the first of two more name changes for Forsyth Technical Institute, with the name changing to Forsyth Technical College, and then, in 1987, to its current name, Forsyth Technical Community College or Forsyth Tech as it’s frequently referred to. In 1989, the College Transfer Program began, which allowed the College to serve an even wider portion of the community.

As the College entered the 1990’s, new buildings were added. Bob Greene Hall, with classrooms and laboratories, was dedicated in 1991. The Allman Center, built in 1992, provided both classroom and administrative space. In 1996 the Corporate and Continuing Education Division, now called Economic and Workforce Development, added two training sites in downtown Winston-Salem of which one still remains as the Small Business Center. In 1998 two new off-campus centers were added: the Mazie S. Woodruff Center in Northeast Winston-Salem and the Grady P. Swisher Center in Kernersville.

In 2006, the new Technology and Student Services building (approximately 87,000 sq. ft.) was opened. A dental lab and clinic were completed on the first floor of Snyder Hall for the Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting programs that same year.

The Northwest Forsyth Center (40,000 sq. ft.) opened in the summer of 2008. Located in King, it serves as a training facility for public safety, firefighters, police and sheriff employees and houses industrial systems technology, certified nursing assistants and criminal justice.

In 2009 Forsyth Tech named two schools in the Health Technologies Division. The Paul M. Wiles School of Nursing and the Len B. Preslar, Jr. School of Allied Health. These schools were named for two men who supported these areas continually with both financial and programmatic support. These are the first two schools named at Forsyth Tech.

The beginning of 2012 marked the opening of the 139,000 square foot state-of-the-art Transportation Technology Center, housing Automotive Systems, Heavy Equipment, RV Maintenance and Repair, Collision Repair and Refinishing, and the Richard Childress Race Car Technology Programs. The center was funded by a 2006 bond package.

Also in 2012, the nursing program was named the Joyce E. Glass Associate Degree Nursing Program in honor of former trustee Joyce Glass Sweeten. Mrs. Glass served as a member of the Board of Trustees for 25 years.

In 2013, Phase One of the Oak Grove Center opened, providing classrooms, offices, an auditorium, and a bookstore. The center, formerly known as the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School Systems Administrative office and Career Center; now houses a state-of-the-art TV studio, control room and a radio studio.

In 2014 Forsyth Tech opened a new center in downtown Winston-Salem in Innovation Quarter. The Business and Industry Services team, which includes the Small Business Center, now offers state of the art training in this refurbished space.

Phase two of the Oak Grove Center was opened in 2015 housing the Dewitt E. Rhoades Conference Center, Admissions, Records and Student Services offices. New classrooms and labs were added for the trades programs as well as a new clean lab. Also in the space is the Process Improvement Lab that our Economic and Workforce Development team uses to teach Lean business practices.

Forsyth Tech continues to look at the training needs for the future and is currently a Cisco training academy. Through the Thomas H. Davis iTEC Center (information technology) Forsyth Tech is providing a broad spectrum of technology training to the Piedmont Triad, utilizing traditional classroom and online courses.


The Forsyth Tech Foundation was established in 1974 to provide additional financial support for the College through private donations. Re-activated in 1997, the Foundation supports student scholarships, new technology and faculty and staff professional development.

Gifts to the Forsyth Tech Foundation are deductible on federal and state income tax reports, both individual and corporate, up to applicable laws. All gifts, large or small, are appreciated and may be designated for specific programs and projects.

Since 1997, the Forsyth Tech Foundation has added the following endowed scholarships and programs:

Endowed Scholarships:

  • Terry R. Alexander Memorial Scholarship – Rotary Club of Clemmons
  • Don Angell Nursing Scholarship
  • John P. Arrowood Sr. Scholarship
  • Branner Dixson Baldwin Scholarship in Practical Nursing
  • Daniel Bradley Barrow Scholarship
  • Tom Blair Legacy Grant
  • Mike and Wendy Brenner CNA Endowment
  • Mike and Wendy Brenner Early Childhood Endowment
  • Olin C. Cranfill Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
  • John T. Eagan Jr. Memorial Scholarship
  • Dr. Frederick W. and Joyce E. Glass Associate Degree Nursing Scholarship
  • Mary Bledsoe Lauerman Nursing Scholarship
  • David W. Lewis Scholarship
  • Lucent Technologies Pioneers Scholarship
  • Catherine Kiser Marshall Scholarship in Nursing
  • The Medlin Scholarship Fund
  • Patricia Mobley Nursing Scholarship
  • Steven R. Moser Paralegal Scholarship
  • Christoph Nostitz Endowed Scholarship
  • RJR Archer
  • Tom Staley Memorial Scholarship
  • Trinity Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Scholarship Fund
  • Wachovia General Scholarship
  • Spencer Waggoner Scholarship
  • Hilda R. and William H. Moser Scholarship
  • Wachovia Endowed Scholarship
  • The Woman’s Club of Winston-Salem

Endowed Programs:

  • Thomas H. Davis iTEC Center
  • Dorothy L. Lougee Nursing Assistant Program
  • William Henry Moser Family Paralegal Program
  • James A. Rousseau II Minority Male Mentoring Program
  • Shugart Women’s Center at Forsyth Tech

Endowed Faculty Awards:

  • C. David Kepple Memorial Faculty Award
  • Montgomery/Tucker Fund

Alumni Association

The Forsyth Tech Alumni Association begins! The Forsyth Tech Alumni Association was formed in 1996. The board of directors established policies and the following mission statement: “to support and advance the growth and development of the College; to promote the personal, educational and professional interests of alumni; and to encourage a spirit of shared interests, fellowship and active involvement among alumni, the community and the College.”

The Forsyth Tech Alumni Association continues that lifelong connection between its graduates and the College.

If you are interested in becoming an active member of the association, please contact the Alumni Relations Office at 336.734.7618.

💙 February 12 is Forsyth Tech’s Day of Giving! 💙 Your gift changes lives—support students, faculty, and staff today!
Holiday Update! 🎅 Campus closed, but get virtual help for spring registration on Dec 20, 23, 27, 30 (8 AM-4 PM).