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Fundraising/Stewardship REVISED REQUISITE

Course Course Title Class Lab/ Shop Clinical/ Co-op Credit
NPO 120 Fundraising/Stewardship REVISED REQUISITE 3 0 0 3
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
Effective Term: Fall 2011

This course introduces the principles, strategies, and practice of fundraising and stewardship in nonprofit organizations. Topics include private/public donor cultivation and research, donor database management, special events, planned giving, annual and capital campaigns and software and tracking mechanisms. Upon completion, students should be able to assist in the development of relationship-building strategies and funding plans.

2011FA - New Course

2012FA - New Local Prereq: RED 090

2014FA - Revised Local Prereq from RED 090 to DRE 098

2019SP - Revised Local Prereq: Add ENG 002

2020FA - Revised Local Prereq: Delete DRE 098, ENG 002

This Course can be found in these Programs of Study

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