Sub Abuse Counseling

Course Course Title Class Lab/ Shop Clinical/ Co-op Credit
SAB 210 Sub Abuse Counseling 2 2 0 3
Prerequisites: SAB 110
Corequisites: None
Effective Term: Summer 1997

This course provides theory and skills acquisition by utilizing intervention strategies designed to obtain therapeutic information, support recovery, and prevent relapse. Topics include counseling individuals and dysfunctional families, screening instruments, counseling techniques and approaches, recovery and relapse, and special populations. Upon completion, students should be able to discuss issues critical to recovery, identify intervention models, and initiate a procedure culminating in cognitive/behavioral change.

2013FA - New Local Prereq: ENG 090 and RED 090 or DRE 098 and SAB 110

2014FA - Revised Local Prereqs: ENG 090 and RED 090 Replaced by DRE 098

2019SP - Revised Local Prereq: Add ENG 002

2020FA - Revised Local Prereq: Delete DRE 098

2022FA - Removed Local Prereq ENG 002

This Course can be found in these Programs of Study

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