General Education

Forsyth Tech strives to meet the growing demand for well-trained employees. Each curriculum plan directly supports the College’s mission by providing students the educational opportunities for general education, workforce preparedness and training, and global development by utilizing face-to-face and distance learning education.

Each program has been designed to include general education competencies based on a coherent rationale to ensure a breadth of knowledge that does not narrowly focus on skills, techniques and procedures specific to a particular occupation or profession.

Forsyth Tech General Education Competencies

The assessment of General Education Competencies (Gen Eds) is coordinated through the Office of Strategic Planning and Innovation.

Forsyth Tech values assessment as a tool to enhance student learning. The General Education Competency assessment supports the institutional goal of utilizing engagement, skill building, and knowledge, to prepare students to enter the workforce or continue their career path to another institution.

Additionally, this commitment supports SACS Comprehensive Standard 8.2b which states: “The institution identifies expected outcomes, assesses the extent to which it achieves these outcomes, and provides evidence of seeking improvement based on analysis of the results for student learning outcomes for college-level general education competencies of its undergraduate degree programs.”

These competencies were identified and developed by faculty and revised through the Curriculum Council in 2023.  Every student who graduates with a degree from Forsyth Tech completes a core of general education courses.  The competencies listed below are assessed during the Fall and Spring semesters in a set of identified courses that align with each of the subject areas.

The college currently identifies four General Education Competencies:

  • Communication: Students will clearly and effectively exchange information, ideas, facts, and perspectives with people inside and outside of an organization.
  • Critical Thinking: Students will identify and respond to needs based upon an understanding of situational context and logical analysis of relevant information.
  • Professionalism: Students will know work environments differ greatly, understand and demonstrate effective work habits, and act in the interest of the larger community and workplace.
  • Quantitative Reasoning: Students will be able to make judgments and draw appropriate conclusions based on the quantitative analysis of data while recognizing the limits of this analysis.

Curriculum Program Classifications

A curriculum program is an organized sequence of courses leading to an associate degree, a diploma or a certificate. All curriculum programs are designed to provide education, training or retraining for the workforce.

Associate Degree Programs

Associate degree programs are planned programs of study culminating in an associate in applied science, associate in arts, associate in arts in teacher preparation, associate in fine arts, associate in engineering, associate in science, associate in science in teacher preparation, or associate in general education degree.

Associate in Applied Science Degree Programs

The associate in applied science degree programs are designed to prepare individuals for employment. These programs involve the application of scientific principles in research, design, development, production, distribution, or service.

Associate in Arts, Associate in Engineering, Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts, Associate in Science Associate in Arts in Teacher Education, and Associate in Science in Teacher Education Programs

The associate in arts, associate in engineering, associate in fine arts in visual arts, associate in science, associate in arts or science in teacher preparation, and the early childhood education B-K licensure transfer track degree programs are designed to prepare students for transfer at the junior level to institutions offering baccalaureate degrees.

Associate in General Education Degree Program

The associate in general education degree program is designed for students who desire a general liberal arts education.

Diploma Programs

The diploma programs are designed to provide entry-level employment training. A diploma program may be a stand-alone curriculum program title, or a college may award a diploma under the college's associate in applied science degree curriculum program for a series of courses taken from the program of study and structured so that a student may complete additional non-duplicative coursework to receive an associate in applied science degree. Courses numbered 101-109 cannot be used toward the associate degree.

Certificate Programs

The certificate programs are designed to lead to employment or to provide skills upgrading or retraining for individuals already in the workforce. A certificate program may be a stand-alone curriculum program title, or a college may award a certificate under the associate degree or diploma curriculum program for a series of courses taken from the program of study.

Transitional Education Programs

Transitional Education Programs consist of English, math, student success courses, and support services (including tutoring and academic coaching). These programs are designed to address academic preparedness and the development of general and discipline-specific learning strategies that promote more effective ways to learn. Transitional education courses do not earn credit toward a degree, diploma, or certificate.

These programs offer a series of courses for preparation, skill development, and academic guidance to students who need additional support, for a variety of reasons, because they do not meet the specific academic competencies in English and/or math for the program of their choice. Students’ transitional education academic plans are individually designed to meet students’ specific needs. The program provides students with an opportunity to build academic skills and acquire the background and support necessary for success in their desired program.

There are two types of transitional education English and math courses:

  • Transitional English and math courses are prerequisites for curriculum-level courses. Students who qualify must complete these before attempting a curriculum-level course. Transitional English and math course grades are Pass (P1, P2, P3) or Repeat (R).
  • Co-requisite English and math courses are designed to help support students while they complete a curriculum-level English or math course. Co-requisite courses are to be taken at the same time as curriculum-level English and math gateway courses. Co-requisite English and math course grades are Pass (P) or Fail (F).

Transitional education courses do not meet graduation requirements. See the Transitional Education Programs section of this catalog.

Teacher Education at Forsyth Tech

The Teacher Education Department at Forsyth Tech provides information, assistance, guidance, and degree options for current and prospective teachers contemplating careers in PreK-12th grade.

Services include general information regarding pathways into teacher education programs for students pursuing an associate in applied science degree (AAS) in Early Childhood Education, an Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation, a certificate, professional development options for instructional assistants, substitute teachers and non-teaching degree individuals, and currently employed alternative licensure teachers who are seeking licensure through our fast-track residency certificate program.

Forsyth Tech offers the following suitable pathways into teacher education programs:

  • Elementary Education Residency Licensure Certificate (Formally known as the Lateral Entry Certificate) Early Childhood Education, B-K Licensure Transfer Track, Associate in Applied Science, and Early Childhood Education - Early Ed Non-LIcensure Transfer Track
  • Education (K-12): Associate in Arts in Teacher Preparation and Associate in Science in Teacher Preparation

Forsyth Tech offers continuing education units (CEU) renewal classes for teacher education through our division of Economic and Workforce Development and in conjunction with the teacher education department.

For further information, contact Stephanie Lackey, Department Chair, Teacher Education at or 336.734.7969

Courses and Standards for Curriculum Programs

Associate in Applied Science

The associate in applied science degree program includes opportunities for the achievement of competence in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills and basic use of computers. The program includes a minimum of 15 semester hours of credit from general education curriculum courses selected from the North Carolina Community College Combined Course Library, including six hours of communications, three hours in humanities/fine arts, three hours in social/behavioral sciences, and three hours in either natural sciences or mathematics.

Associate in Arts

The associate in arts degree program includes opportunities for the achievement of competence in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and basic use of computers. The program includes a minimum of 45 semester hours of general education curriculum core courses selected from the North Carolina Community College Combined Course Library and approved for transfer to the University of North Carolina constituent institutions. The general education core shall include six semester hours of English composition; nine semester hours of humanities/fine arts; nine hours of social/behavioral sciences; three to four semester hours of mathematics; four hours of natural sciences; and 13 to 14 semester hours credit selected from courses classified as general education within the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. Students should select these courses based on their intended major and transfer university.

Associate in Arts in Teacher Preparation

The associate in arts in teacher preparation program of study includes opportunities for the achievement of competence in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and basic use of computers. The program includes a minimum of 45 semester hours of general education curriculum core courses selected from the North Carolina Community College Combined Course Library and approved for transfer to the University of North Carolina constituent institutions. The general education core shall include six semester hours of English composition; nine semester hours of communications and humanities/fine arts; six hours of social/behavioral sciences; a minimum of three semester hours in mathematics; a minimum of four semester hours in natural sciences and 17 semester hours credit selected from courses classified as general education within the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. Students should select these courses based on their intended major and transfer university. Other required hours include fourteen additional semester hours in education and a one-credit college transfer success course.

Associate in Science

The associate in science degree program includes opportunities for the achievement of competence in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and basic use of computers. The program includes a minimum of 45 semester hours of general education curriculum core courses selected from the North Carolina Community College Combined Course Library and approved for transfer to the University of North Carolina constituent institutions. The general education core shall include six semester hours of English composition; six semester hours of humanities/fine arts; six hours of social/behavioral sciences; a minimum of eight semester hours in mathematics; a minimum of eight semester hours in natural sciences; and 11 semester hours credit selected from courses classified as general education within the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. Students should select these courses based on their intended major and transfer university.

Associate in Science in Teacher Preparation

The associate in arts in teacher preparation program of study includes opportunities for the achievement of competence in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and basic use of computers. The program includes a minimum of 45 semester hours of general education curriculum core courses selected from the North Carolina Community College Combined Course Library and approved for transfer to the University of North Carolina constituent institutions. The general education core shall include six semester hours of English composition; six semester hours of communications and humanities/fine arts; three hours of social/behavioral sciences; a minimum of eight semester hours in mathematics; a minimum of eight semester hours in natural sciences and 14 semester hours credit selected from courses classified as general education within the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. Students should select these courses based on their intended major and transfer university. Other required hours include fourteen additional semester hours in education and a one-credit college transfer success course.

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts

The associate in fine arts in visual arts program of study includes opportunities for the achievement of competence in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and basic use of computers. The program includes a minimum of 25 semester hours of general education curriculum core courses selected from the North Carolina Community College Combined Course Library and approved for transfer to the University of North Carolina constituent institutions. The general education core shall include six semester hours of English composition; six semester hours of communications and humanities/fine arts; six hours of social/behavioral sciences; a minimum of three semester hours in mathematics; and a minimum of four semester hours in natural sciences.

Associate in General Education

The associate in general education program includes opportunities for the achievement of competence in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and basic use of computers. The general education curriculum program includes a minimum of 15 semester hours of credit from general education curriculum courses selected from the North Carolina Community College Combined Course Library and includes six hours in communications, three hours in humanities/fine arts, three hours in social/behavioral sciences, and three hours in natural sciences or mathematics.

Associate in General Occupational Technology

The associate in general occupational technology program includes a minimum of 15 semester hours of credit from general education curriculum courses selected from the North Carolina Community College Combined Course Library. The general education hours include a minimum of six hours in communications and at least three hours in humanities/fine arts, three hours in social/behavioral sciences, and three hours in natural sciences or mathematics.

Diploma Programs (Non-transfer)

Diploma programs contain a minimum of six semester hours of general education curriculum courses selected from the North Carolina Community College Combined Course Library. A minimum of three semester hours of credit is included in communications, and a minimum of three semester hours of credit is included from curriculum courses in humanities/fine arts, social/behavioral sciences, or natural sciences and mathematics.

Reference: SBCCC 400.97 Courses and Standards for Curriculum Programs

Classification of Students

  • Full-time: A student who is enrolled in 12 or more credit hours of coursework; nine hours for summer term (financial aid requirements are different for summer term).
  • Part-time: A student who is enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours of coursework; fewer than nine hours summer term.
  • Special Credit: A student who is enrolled in credit courses but who is not working toward a degree, diploma, or certificate.
  • Audit: A student who is enrolled in regular coursework but who is not receiving credit for work undertaken.

Definition of Credit Hour

The college provides a minimum of 50 minutes per credit hour per week of instruction for each scheduled credit hour in all curriculum programs of study.

Academic Appeals

Academic Dishonesty, Cheating, and Related Offenses (Rule 9 of the Student Code of Conduct)

The appeal process for a violation of Rule 9 of the Student Code of Conduct begins when the student is notified of the violation by the instructor. The student must meet with the instructor at the time of the notification or before the next class meeting regarding the charge. At the discretion of the instructor, the student may be withdrawn from the course and receive a W grade prior to the last date to withdraw.

If the sudent wishes to continue the appeal, he/she must notify the department chair (within two workdays) and arrange a conference. The student must provide the department chair with a letter of appeal at the time of the conference.

The letter of appeal must include:

  • Date, student’s name, signature, telephone number, and official student email address.
  • Course number, section number, and instructor’s name.
  • Brief factual explanation of why the student feels that the charge is incorrect.
  • Provide any supporting documentation.

After conferencing with the department chair, if the issue is still not resolved, the student will notify the dean in writing (within one workday of the conference) and request a hearing before the divisional academic appeals committee. The department chair will forward the letter of appeal and supporting documentation to the dean. The dean will convene a committee (within two workdays) to hear the appeal. This committee will hear the appeal and make a final decision (within one workday) which will be reported to the dean. Within 24 hours, the dean will notify the student (by phone and student email account), the instructor, and the department chair of the committee’s decision. The decision of the committee is final.

Grade Appeal

Any appeal of a course grade should begin with a scheduled conference between the student and instructor by the first day of a new semester. If the appeal is not resolved at this level, the student should contact and arrange for a conference with the appropriate department chair. The student has the responsibility of providing the department chair with a written letter of appeal by the third class day of the new semester for the appeal to be considered.

The letter of appeal must include:

  • Date, student’s name, signature, and telephone number.
  • Prefix and number of course grade being appealed.
  • Instructor’s name issuing the grade.
  • A letter of three pages or less containing factual and valid reasons why the student thinks the grade is incorrect. The chair may return the letter to the student to clarify, to add factual information or to state reasons for the appeal. The revised letter must be returned to the department chair within two working days. The committee may reject the appeal if policies and procedures have not been followed by the student.
  • Any supporting documentation the student feels is needed to better explain the student’s questions as to grade determination.

After conferencing with the department chair, if the issue is still not resolved, the student will notify the dean in writing (within two workdays of the conference) of the need for a divisional academic appeals committee. The department chair will forward the letter of appeal and supporting documentation to the dean. The dean will convene a committee (within three workdays) to hear the appeal. This committee will hear the appeal and make a final decision (within three workdays) which will be reported to the dean. Within 24 hours of receiving the information, the dean will mail the committee’s decision to the student, the instructor, and the department chair. The decision of the committee is final.

Academic Forgiveness Policy

Academic Forgiveness may help those students whose past performance has prevented them from progressing toward completion by excluding previously earned grades of F or WF from the student’s GPA calculation. To apply for academic forgiveness, the student must complete an Academic Forgiveness form (available on Techlink) and meet with an academic advisor. The advisor will discuss the ramifications and alternatives of academic forgiveness with the student. In some cases, the student may be better served by utilizing the College’s individual course repeat policy to retake a previously failed course or for a higher grade rather than invoking the overall academic forgiveness policy. If the student then wishes to continue with the request, the student will confirm understanding by signing the form and meeting with the Associate Vice President for Student Academic Success for a second review and discussion of the application and its impact. Upon approval by the associate vice president, the application will be forwarded to the Admissions and Records Office to verify the criteria have been met. Once verified, the Admissions and Records Office will update the student’s transcript to reflect the recalculated GPA based on academic forgiveness of prior F and/or WF grades.

Conditions for the application of the academic forgiveness policy:

  • A minimum of three years must have elapsed between poor academic performance and the academic forgiveness request. The student may continue to be enrolled during those three years at Forsyth Tech or at another institution.
  • Only grades of F or WF are eligible for academic forgiveness.
  • Before applying for academic forgiveness, the student must have successfully completed at least nine credit hours at Forsyth Tech with a C grade or higher, and the cumulative GPA of those nine credits (or more) must be 2.00 or higher since the period of poor academic performance.
  • If approved, the classes forgiven will remain on the transcript with the original grade and a notation indicating that academic forgiveness has been applied to them. The forgiven classes remain on the permanent record but will be excluded from the Forsyth Tech GPA calculation.
  • Once granted, academic forgiveness is not reversible.
  • Academic forgiveness may be granted only once.
  • Classes removed from the GPA calculation under academic forgiveness will still count towards attempted classes for financial aid purposes.
  • Other institutions will use their own policies for reviewing the student’s transcript and calculating the student’s GPA for admissions purposes. Their policies may not acknowledge the application of another institution’s academic forgiveness policy to course grades and GPA calculation.

Academic Recognition

Global Scholar of Distinction

The Global Scholar of Distinction is a collaborative program between Forsyth Tech and the World View Program at UNC Chapel Hill designed to help prepare students to be successful global citizens in an increasingly interdependent world. 

Global Scholar of Distinction participants are required to:

  • Complete at least 15 credit hours of globally intensive courses
  • Participate in 8 international actives and dialogue: speakers, films, and performances (2 per semester)
  • Gain global experience through 30 hours of participation in either study abroad or a domestic intercultural experience
  • Deliver a capstone presentation related to your global learning participation

Upon completion, students receive a notification of “Graduated with Global Distinction” on their transcript and receive a separate certificate from UNC Chapel Hill.

Graduation Honors and Awards

Graduates in programs leading to a degree or diploma qualify for academic recognition at graduation. Students earning a cumulative GPA of 4.00 in their program will be granted a degree or diploma with high honors. Students earning a cumulative GPA of 3.50 to 3.99 in their program will be granted a degree or diploma with honors.

Honor Society - Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)

Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society of two-year colleges. The purpose of the society is to recognize academic excellence among two-year college students, provide opportunities for leadership training, provide an intellectual climate for the interchange of ideas and ideals, and instill in students the desire for continued education. To qualify for membership, students must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or better and have earned at least 18 and no more than 48 hours of credit, and be enrolled in an associate degree program. Current members must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 to remain in good standing.

National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense

Forsyth Tech and its associate in applied science degree in IT-Systems Security has been officially designated a National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD) program of study. Institutions receive the CAE-CD designation only after meeting a rigorous set of requirements established by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Students graduating from the program will have a statement of designation on their transcript.

Semester Honors

Credit students who earn a grade point average (GPA) of 3.50 to 3.999 for the semester are named to the Dean’s List for the semester. Credit students with a GPA of 4.0 are named to the President’s List for the semester.

To be eligible for these honors, students:

  • Must be approved and enrolled in a program. (This excludes students in special credit and certificate programs.)
  • Must earn their GPA on a minimum of nine credit hours of credit courses.
  • Must have completed all coursework for the semester. Students with grades of incomplete (I) will not be eligible.

Academic Standing Procedure

The following academic standing policy is designed to promote student learning and success by alerting students of potential academic problems in time to take corrective action. For this policy, a term is defined as Fall semester, Spring semester, and Summer semester. Academic evaluation of student academic standing occurs at the end of each full academic term.

Note: Certain academic programs and Career and College Promise participants have academic standing policies that are more rigorous than the general academic standing policy. These policies will be given to each student upon admission into the program. Students must adhere to the academic standing policies for the program in which they are enrolled.

Financial Aid: Students receiving financial aid are required to meet the academic standards as outlined in the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy in addition to the requirements of the academic standing policy.


  • Term GPA: Students on academic alert, probation, or suspension must earn a term GPA of 2.0 or higher. Transfer credits, credits by examination, W, I, S, AU, U, TR, P, R, and CR grades are not counted as part of the GPA calculation. A class that has been repeated will have the last grade received counted in the GPA.
  • Cumulative GPA: Students must maintain at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point average. Transfer credits, credits by examination, W, I, S, AU, U, TR, P, R, and CR grades are not counted as part of the GPA calculation. A class that has been repeated will have the last grade received counted in the GPA.
  • Good Academic Standing: Students’ term and cumulative grade point averages (GPAs) are calculated at the end of each academic term. Students are expected to make satisfactory progress, defined as a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0. Students with the minimum cumulative GPA are considered to be in good standing.
  • Academic Alert occurs when a student's cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 by the end of the Fall, Spring, or Summer term. Students on Academic Alert:
    • will be notified of their academic status by email to their Forsyth Tech student account after grades are posted.
    • will be encouraged to meet with their academic advisor or designated individual before registering for future terms.
    • must complete the Academic Success Module before the next term begins.
    • will move to Academic Probation if term GPA is under 2.0
    • If the term GPA is over 2.0 but cumulative GPA remains under 2.0, student will return to Academic Alert until cumulative GPA is above 2.0.
  • Academic Probation occurs when a student on Academic Alert earns a term GPA below 2.0. An email notification will be sent to the student's college-provided address at the end of the term to inform them of this change in status.
    • will be notified of their academic status by email to their Forsyth Tech student account after grades are posted.
    • will be restricted from registering for future terms until they complete an Academic Success Contract with an academic advisor.
    • will move to Academic Suspension if term GPA is under 2.0
    • will move to Academic Alert if term GPA is above 2.0, but cumulative GPA is under 2.0
  • Academic Suspension occurs when a student on Academic Probation earns a term GPA below 2.0. An email notification will be sent to the student's college-provided address at the end of the term to inform them of this change in status.
    • will be notified of their academic status by email to their Forsyth Tech student account after grades are posted, and a letter will be sent to the student’s mailing address on file.
    • pre-registered courses will be canceled for suspended students, and the Registrar will authorize refunds of any tuition and fees paid when the academic suspension notification is sent. The Financial Aid Director will cancel financial aid for the term.
    • are officially restricted from enrolling in credit courses at Forsyth Tech for one term (Fall, Spring or Summer).
    • must complete Academic Recovery Modules, submit the Academic Readmission form, and successfully complete all of the required steps in the readmission process.
    • may register only for continuing education courses at Forsyth Tech until officially readmitted to credit courses.
    • Students can request re-enrollment after one academic term and after completing reinstatement requirements.

        Readmission following Academic Suspension

Students readmitted after academic suspension:

  • Must complete the Academic Readmission request form
  • Must complete an Academic Success Contract with an academic advisor.
  • Must achieve a term GPA of 2.0 or higher during the first enrolled term after readmission

If the student earns a term GPA below 2.0 following an Academic Suspension or fails to comply with the readmission requirements, the student will again be placed on Academic Suspension.

Appeals Process for Academic Standing

Financial Aid: The academic standing appeal process is conducted separately from the Financial Aid Suspension appeal process. Students who have had financial aid suspended due to unsatisfactory progress should refer to the SAP policy for the Financial Aid Suspension appeals process.

 A student may appeal an academic standing decision at any stage by:

  • Submitting an Academic Standing Appeals form to the appropriate division dean or designee within 5 business days of the date of the academic standing notice.
  • The dean or their designee will present the appeal to the academic appeals committee.
  • The academic appeals committee will make the final decision.
  • The dean or their designee will send a notification to the student, the department chairperson, and the student’s academic advisor via Forsyth Tech email.


Forsyth Tech regards class lectures, demonstrations, and other in-class experiences as vital ingredients of the educational process. For this reason, students are expected to attend and arrive on time to all class, laboratory, shop, practicum, cooperative education worksites, and clinical experience sessions. Students are responsible for accounting to their instructors for any absence and should report to their instructors following any absence to determine if and when work may be made up. Habitual tardiness may, at the discretion of the instructor, be considered in computing attendance.

Students must satisfy the instructor that they should be permitted to remain in a course and attend classes after incurring absences in excess of the following:

  • five hours of class,
  • three practicum (shop, laboratory, or clinical experience) sessions that meet for two or more hours,
  • three hours of class and one practicum (shop, laboratory, or clinical experience) session that meets for two or more hours.

When students are absent from a class and a practicum (shop, laboratory, clinical experience) session that meets consecutively, each session missed will be counted as an absence.

Special attendance rules, different from those listed above, must be noted in the instructor’s attendance policy included on the course syllabus. Students with questions or concerns should consult with their instructor.

Instructors will withdraw students who are inactive for 14 consecutive calendar days. Activity includes attending a scheduled class/lab/clincial meeting or submitting an online assignment.

Students who are inactive for less than 14 consecutive calendar days and contact the instructor will have the opportunity to attend a scheduled class/lab/clinical meeting or submit an online assignment. This will allow the instructor to work with the student as they resolve any extenuating circumstances.

The actions taken to work with the instructor during any extenuating circumstance will still require the continuation of activity in a manner that never exceeds 14 consecutive calendar days.

Attendance for Active-Duty Military or Reserve Students (Updated: 5/8/2024)

Students who are active-duty military or reserve and are not able to participate in class or course work due to receiving military orders, must provide to their instructor and the Veteran’s Resource Center proof of military orders PRIOR to deployment.  Failure to provide proof of military orders will result in class withdrawal and possibly a financial debt to the VA or Forsyth Tech.  

Any student who is in the United States Armed Forces and has received temporary or permanent reassignment because of military operations, or any student who is a National Guard service member placed into state active-duty status during an academic term, shall for the period the student is on active duty, be granted an excused absence.


  • Student(s) will be given the opportunity to make up for any test or other work missed during the excused absence.
  • Student(s) shall have the option, when feasible, to continue classes and coursework during the academic term through online participation for the period the student is placed on active duty.
  • Student(s) may elect to receive a grade of “incomplete” (I) for any course that they were unable to complete due to active duty within the period specified by the college to avoid receiving a failing grade for the course.
  • Student(s) will have the option of withdrawing from the course by the 60% point of scheduled contact hours (with no financial or academic penalty) for which they were unable to complete due to placement on active duty.


Clinical Experience in Health Programs

Clinical hours in any of the health programs may be scheduled during any part of the 24-hour day, seven days a week. Students will be informed in writing of any special attendance requirements before the first day of clinical.

To successfully pass a course with a clinical, students must fulfill all requirements for the course.

Required uniforms must fit neatly and adhere to the dress code of both Forsyth Tech and the clinical facilities.

Hospitals require may require specific dress code requirements. To control infection, hospital policy requires that only those garments supplied by the hospital be used. Students who are unable to adhere to the dress code requirements will not be allowed to go into those clinical areas, which may jeopardize their ability to complete the program.

Failure to meet any clinical or dress requirements may jeopardize a student’s ability to continue in a program.


Forsyth Tech’s curriculum graduation ceremony is held each academic year at the end of the spring semester on the date published in the academic calendar. December graduates, May graduates, and July graduate candidates completing a certificate, diploma, and/or degree program are eligible to participate. Participation in the commencement ceremony does not indicate completion of requirements. Completion is verified by the Admissions and Records Office and diplomas are distributed once the credential is awarded; diplomas are not distributed at the commencement ceremony. Students are encouraged to participate in the ceremony but if a student chooses to not participate, they are still eligible to obtain a diploma for awarded credentials.

Commencement Marshals

Marshals are selected from students in degree programs who have maintained the highest scholastic averages. The marshal who has the highest academic average is named chief marshal.

School Rings

Students in good standing who have completed at least one-half of the credit hours required for graduation in their program may order a school ring. Students are required to pay a deposit at the time the ring is ordered, with the balance due upon delivery. Rings may be ordered in the Forsyth Tech Bookstore (lower level) in the Technology Building on Main Campus, during the annual Graduate Fair, and at other student events as announced via Techlink.

Course Attempts Rule (Course Repeat)

Students may not repeat a course either for credit or audit more than three times without permission of the appropriate dean. Grades of Withdrawal (W) or Audit (AU) will be considered as an attempt regarding this policy.

The appropriate dean will make the final decision on students’ permission to enroll in a course after three attempts. A log will be maintained in each academic dean’s office documenting approval for each student attempting a course four or more times.

Course Substitutions

Course substitutions may be granted when deemed necessary for graduation or as a necessary accommodation to complete a degree as long as they comply with state guidelines.

Core courses (this includes concentration courses) cannot be substituted. General education and other major hours courses may be substituted with comparable courses. The appropriate department chairperson must approve the course substitution by completing and submitting the electronic form found on TechLink under Campus Links.

Credit for Prior Learning

Students may be eligible to receive curriculum credit when their previous studies or training have already provided the knowledge, competencies and skills associated with a required course. The student is responsible for contacting the appropriate academic dean or department chair for questions regarding specific knowledge and skills considered for prior learning credit. Before registering for classes, students should contact the Admissions & Records Office, their academic advisor, or view the College’s website to receive information regarding the procedure for evaluation. Students must be officially enrolled in a program of study to be eligible for prior learning credit. Dual enrollment high school students are not eligible to receive credit for prior learning but local and statewide articulations may be used to meet College prerequisites. When appropriate, the student will be responsible for providing official documentation before credit is granted.

Forsyth Technical Community College may grant appropriate credit for courses based on standardized examinations including the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), the Advanced Placement Program (AP), the International Baccalaureate Program (IB), Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Educational Support (DANTES/DSST), and through a comprehensive institutional challenge examination for credit (proficiency exam). The College may also award credit for courses based on industry, state, and national certifications or licensures, military training, and formal articulation agreements. Students who plan to transfer to another college or university are responsible for determining if the institution they plan to attend will accept prior learning credits awarded by Forsyth Technical Community College. In all cases, students must take at least 25 percent of the credits required for the program at Forsyth Tech to complete the degree, diploma, or certificate.

A time limit may apply for accepting credit or for technical courses taken previously at Forsyth Tech or other institutions. The appropriate academic division dean, in consultation with the faculty, will determine the period in which courses previously taken can be used in the student’s current program of study.

Challenge/Proficiency Exams

Students who have been approved for admission or are already enrolled in a program of study may request to take a proficiency exam for a course that has a proficiency exam available. Students must receive permission from the appropriate department chairperson to earn credit for the course by proficiency examination and must pay the testing fee before taking the exam.

Students are not required to be registered or enrolled in a course before requesting a proficiency exam. However, if students are enrolled in a course for which a proficiency exam is requested, the request must be made by the 10th day of class. Students who withdraw from a course after the 10th day of class in any semester and have not formally submitted a request may not earn credit for that course by proficiency exam for one year.

Some programs have restricted proficiency exams, and students must be admitted to that program before a request will be considered. Students may take a proficiency exam for a given course only once in 12 months. Guidelines on how to apply for a proficiency exam can be obtained from the office of the appropriate division dean or the Admissions and Records Office. Students who successfully pass a proficiency exam will be given a grade of CR (credit granted or passed proficiency) and hours earned will be granted but will not affect their grade point average (GPA). Students should also note that proficiency exam credits are for internal use only and generally will not transfer to another college.

Distance Learning

Distance learning courses offer students an alternative to traditional classroom instruction. The courses deliver instructional content to learners across distance and time through the use of technology.

Our distance learning options are:

  • Online – Classes are delivered completely online. Students do not attend classes on campus. Online sections may have scheduled meetings or may be delivered asynchronously.
  • Hybrid/Blended– Classes are delivered partially online and partially on campus. Students are expected to attend on-campus meetings and complete work online. Some sections may allow students to attend scheduled meetings on-campus in person or via livestream online.
  • Hyflex – Classes are scheduled on-campus, but students may attend meetings in person or via a livestream online.

Not all courses are offered in a distance learning format.

Credit courses using these delivery technologies offer educational opportunities to Forsyth Tech students who are balancing jobs, family, and personal and professional situations.

Distance learning courses offer convenience and flexibility while providing quality instruction and interaction. Support services are available to distance learning students to assist them with academic and support needs. These include electronic access to the reference desk in the library, online access to the library’s catalog, email access to staff members, as well as information about student services and the application, disability services, and career development and educational planning information and resources on the Website. Other resources are provided on campus by Student Services and the Learning Center.

Distance learning courses are demanding and require students to be highly motivated, independent learners. Students must have college-level reading and writing abilities, as well as strong time management skills. Successful distance learning students must also be able to manage the technology used to deliver instructional materials. Attendance at a distance learning orientation is required of all distance learning students.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Academic progress at Forsyth Tech is based on a 4.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) system. A final GPA of 2.0 is required for graduation from all programs of study. Students accumulate grade points based on grades earned per semester. The GPA is determined by dividing grade points earned in courses by the number of semester credit hours attempted. The highest grade earned in a course will be used to calculate GPA. Grades of withdrawal (W), Audit (AU), or incomplete (I) will be considered as repeat grades but will not be considered as the last grade earned in calculating GPA.

Grading System (403.02)

The grading system found listed below is used for all credit classes at Forsyth Tech. Exceptions are normally approved by the appropriate deans and students must be informed in writing in the course syllabus.





Quality Points
per Grade Hr

















Below 60
































Course Transferred




Credit Granted or Passed Proficiency




Grades A, B, C, D, and F are computed in grade point average (GPA).

Grades W, I, S, AU, U, TR, P, R, and CR do not compute in GPAs.

TR - Courses taken at another college will not supersede courses completed at Forsyth Tech. You can use the course taken at another college with an earned grade of ‘C’ or better for graduation; however, the grade earned at Forsyth Tech will be used to calculate your final grade point average (GPA).

W - A withdrawal is the grade given to students who officially withdraw from a course.

I - The grade of incomplete is given only if students have valid reasons for failure to complete the work on schedule and have successfully completed at least 75 percent of the course requirements to a grade of C or better. Illness, personal emergency, or circumstances beyond a student’s control are considered valid reasons for a grade of incomplete. Students must have advised the instructor of the circumstance before the end of the semester to be granted an incomplete.

The instructor must submit a Request for Grade of Incomplete form to the academic dean or designee for approval before assigning a grade of incomplete. On the Request for Grade of Incomplete form, the instructor will specify the course requirements the student must complete to remove the incomplete, the date the student must complete the specified course requirements, and the expiration date for the incomplete grade. The course requirements completion date and the expiration date for the incomplete must be before the end of the semester of the subsequent semester. The approved Request for Grade of Incomplete form must be attached to the attendance form.

Once the student completes the specified course requirements, the course instructor will submit a Curriculum Change of Grade form to award the earned grade. If coursework is not completed and the grade of incomplete is not changed by the specified expiration date, the incomplete grade will change to an F grade. 

Students who receive a grade of incomplete on a course that is a prerequisite for a higher-level course must make up the incomplete work before enrolling in the higher-level course. If the conditions necessary to remove the incomplete require additional hours of instruction, students must register for the course again.

AU - Students may have the opportunity to take a class in which no grade or credit is awarded towards a degree or diploma; however, they will be required to meet the prerequisites, co-requisites, and other applicable college policies for courses they are requesting to audit. A student may audit a course section only on a “space available” basis. A student who audits a course section shall not displace students enrolling or registering to receive a grade, academic credit, continuing education unit, or certificate of completion in the course section.

Students auditing courses are not required to take examinations or submit written work but may do so if they wish. No grade or credit toward a degree or diploma is given. An audit may not be changed to credit or credit changed to audit after the 10 percent point of the semester or the 10 percent point of the class when the class does not begin within the first five days of the semester. (403.05)

Normal attendance policies will apply. Audit students are expected to do assigned reading and participate in classroom activities. Students withdrawing during the semester will be given a grade of W. The Audit Request Form is available on the Admissions and Records Office Techlink page or from the appropriate division dean. It must be submitted to the Admissions and Records Office for processing by the 10 percent point of the class.

Except as otherwise provided by law, students who audit a course are required to pay the applicable tuition, registration fee, and other fees charged consistent with State Board of Community College Code chapter 1000.

P – This grade is assigned to students who achieve 80% proficiency in transitional English and math courses enabling them to progress to the next course. The grade of P is not computed in the GPA.

R – This grade is assigned to students who do not achieve 80% proficiency in transitional English and math courses signaling that the student must repeat the course to progress. The grade of R is not computed in the GPA but is computed as a failing grade for Financial Aid purposes.

Independent Study

Independent study provides an alternative for a student to earn credit for certain required courses. It should be used only when it has been determined that it would create an unreasonable hardship for the student to wait for the course to be available.

The guidelines to be used are:

  • To be considered for independent study, students must file a Request for Independent Study Form with their academic advisor, who will review the request and forward it with suggestions to the division dean for final action. The form should be completed during registration, and the student must register for the course during the registration period.
  • Acceptable reasons for allowing a student to take an independent study: (a) one-time course sequencing difficulties, (b) scheduling problems that were no fault of the student, and/or (c) needing the course for graduation at the end of the semester.
  • Students will not be approved for independent study if their cumulative grade point average (GPA) is less than 2.0 or if they have failed or withdrawn while failing from the course in question.
  • Students may be limited in the number of independent study courses taken to complete degree requirements. Exceptions require special approval from the division dean.
  • All independent studies are normally taught by a full-time instructor.

Intellectual Property Policy

Students own the copyrights in all works they have created, unless, before the creation of the work, assigned the copyright in that “Student Work” to Forsyth Tech through a formal, signed contract. However, as a condition of enrollment and in consideration for such enrollment, the creator of a Student Work shall be deemed to have granted Forsyth Tech a College License with respect to all Student Works created by that Student. In addition to the standard terms of a College License, permissible uses of Student Works shall include but are not limited to, educational, promotion, publicity, and fundraising efforts by Forsyth Tech. Forsyth Tech also has the right to sub-license the use of the Student Works to third parties for a finite period of time for the limited purposes of display and reproduction in the context of promotional efforts. For more information on our Intellectual Property Policy and how it pertains to students, please access the Intellectual Property Policy in the Student Section of Techlink, Instructional Services, New and Revised Policies.

Maximum Allowable Course Load

The maximum allowable course credit load for any semester without the approval of the appropriate academic dean is 21 hours. Any student desiring to register for a course load that exceeds this amount must seek prior approval from their academic dean.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites

Many program courses have prerequisites and co-requisites that are listed in the course descriptions in this catalog. Before these courses may be taken, any prerequisite course must be completed, and co-requisites must have been taken during a previous semester or be taken during the same semester. If the occasion arises in which a local prerequisite should be waived, both the appropriate department chairperson and dean must approve the waiver in writing. If a course affects more than one division, written approval may be necessary from more than one department chairperson and dean before the student registers for that course.

Program of Study Information

Students admitted to a degree, diploma, or certificate program must meet the requirements listed on the program of study for the academic year during which students were initially enrolled in the program. In general, students should work closely with their academic advisors to ensure they follow the sequence of courses listed on the program of study to meet all course prerequisites and to complete the program within three years of initial enrollment.

School Closing Due to Inclement Weather

The decision to cancel all or any portion of college classes during inclement weather is the responsibility of the president or designated representative. A communication system has been established to inform faculty, staff, students, and all local news media when the decision is made to close the College.

The guidelines listed below will be followed when classes are canceled due to inclement weather. All faculty and students may call the school or listen to radio announcements. When there is no announcement, there will be school.

When the decision is made to cancel day classes, it will be announced through the news media before 6:15 a.m. The decision to cancel day classes will be on a day-by-day basis and will apply to all day classes offered by the College regardless of location.

When classes are canceled, only personnel required to deal with inclement weather will be required to be at the College. Any compensatory time will be determined by the appropriate administrator. All other full-time personnel will not be required to be at the College.

Per current North Carolina Community College System guidelines, all part-time personnel will either 1) make up the time/class missed for inclement weather and document the made-up time or 2) be docked for the period missed due to the College closing. The College reserves the right to schedule make-up classes based on the availability of make-up days. The appropriate administrator will make the final decision regarding time to be made up.

A decision to cancel evening classes may be made at the same time as the cancellation of day classes or at any time before 5 p.m. of that day. This decision will apply to all evening classes regardless of location.

Early dismissal of day classes because of inclement weather is the responsibility of the president or designated representative. All classes and offices will be notified when this decision is made.

Early dismissal of evening and weekend classes because of inclement weather is the responsibility of the president or designated representative. All locations and classes will be notified when this decision is made.

When inclement weather develops, faculty and students should NOT call the administrative staff or radio and television stations. A message regarding closing for both faculty and students will be on the Forsyth Tech telephone message system by 6:30 a.m., posted on the College Website, TechLink, and through TechAlert.

When a class is missed due to inclement weather, or other reasons approved by the appropriate dean, the instructor must assign an alternate instructional activity to include extra class sessions, extended class sessions, or other options. This activity is to be documented on the Alternative Instructional Activities for Missed Classes Form. The form is due to the supervisor within five working days after the class is missed.

Transfer to Four-Year Colleges and Universities

The associate in arts (A.A.) and associate in science (A.S.) degrees are approved for transfer through the North Carolina Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. The college transfer program is designed to provide a quality educational experience equivalent to the first two years of a four-year college program. Students who have earned the degree of A.A. or A.S. can transfer to most North Carolina public and private four-year institutions with full junior year standing. A minimum grade of “C” in every course is required for acceptable transfer credit.

Uniform Articulation Agreement (Associate in Engineering)

Uniform Articulation Agreement between the UNC Baccalaureate Engineering Programs and the NC Community College System Associate in Engineering Programs

The Uniform Articulation Agreement promotes educational advancement opportunities for Associate in Engineering (A10500) completers and the constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina to complete Bachelor of Science in Engineering degrees.

This Associate in Engineering to Bachelor of Science in Engineering Articulation Agreement (AE to BSE AA) is between the State Board of North Carolina Community Colleges and The University of North Carolina Board of Governors. It applies to all NC community colleges that operate the AE program and to UNC constituent institutions (ECU, NC A&T, NCSU, UNC-Charlotte and Western Carolina).

Reference: NCCCS, College Transfer/Articulation Agreements

Uniform Articulation Agreement (RN to BSN)

The Uniform Articulation Agreement promotes educational advancement opportunities for registered nurses moving between North Carolina community colleges and the constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina to complete Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees.

This Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Articulation Agreement (RN to BSN AA) is between the State Board of North Carolina Community Colleges and The University of North Carolina Board of Governors. It applies to all NC community colleges that operate associate degree nursing programs and to those 11 constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina that operate RN to BSN Programs (Appalachian State University, Fayetteville State University, East Carolina University, NC A & T University, NC Central University, UNC-Charlotte, UNC-Greensboro, UNC-Pembroke, UNC-Wilmington, Western Carolina University and Winston-Salem State University).

Reference: NCCCS, College Transfer /Articulation Agreements.

The college transfer program enables students to prepare for virtually any area of major interest. Courses are offered in mathematics, composition and literature, humanities, physical education, and the social, physical, and life sciences. Counselors and academic advisors are available to assist students in planning acceptable programs for transfer to desired colleges or universities. Technical-level credit earned in the associate in applied science (A.A.S.) degree programs at Forsyth Tech may be transferred to similar programs at other institutions. However, the acceptability of all technical transfer credits is determined by the institution to which students wish to transfer. Diploma credit is not transferable to four-year institutions.

The College has two-plus-two A.A.S. agreements with local colleges and universities. Students should contact their faculty mentor for information regarding these opportunities for transfer of credit to four-year institutions.

Withdrawal Policy and Procedure

Students considering withdrawing from a class or from school are encouraged to contact their instructor(s) and academic advisor to discuss the decision to withdraw.

A withdrawal form can be completed through the student’s Techlink account by clicking on the online withdrawal form under My Bookmarks. When the student initiates a withdrawal, the date the form is completed is the official withdrawal date. The instructor will complete the withdrawal form entering the last date of attendance. When students fail to complete a withdrawal form through their Techlink account, they may receive a failing grade.

Instructors will withdraw students who are inactive for 14 consecutive calendar days. Activity includes attending a scheduled class/lab/clinical meeting or submitting an online assignment.

Students who are inactive for less than 14 consecutive calendar days and contact the instructor will have the opportunity to attend a scheduled class/lab/clinical meeting or submit an online assignment. This will allow the instructor to work with the student as they resolve any extenuating circumstances.

The actions taken to work with the instructor during any extenuating circumstance will still require the continuation of activity in a manner that never exceeds 14 consecutive calendar days.

Withdrawal from a Class - Students are responsible for completing a withdrawal form for each course they are withdrawing, and notification will be sent to their instructor(s) and the Records Office. The student may choose to contact their academic advisor or Student Success Center of the decision to withdraw. 

Total Withdrawal from School - Students who must withdraw from school, either permanently or temporarily, should withdraw officially. Students are responsible for completing a withdrawal form for each course and for notifying their instructors and academic advisors; also consider contacting the Student Success Center of the decision to withdraw.

Veterans and Financial Aid Recipients - Veterans and financial aid recipients must notify Student Financial Services if they discontinue enrollment.

Work-Based Learning

Work-based learning offers students a learning opportunity while gaining valuable work experience in the field of study. Students will earn college credit while mastering new skills in a supervised environment.

The Work-Based Learning program at Forsyth Tech prepares students for successful employment. To learn more about work-based learning, students should visit the Work-Based Learning page on TechLink (under Academics) or contact the Work-Based Learning Office at 336.734.7232 (email

💙 February 12 is Forsyth Tech’s Day of Giving! 💙 Your gift changes lives—support students, faculty, and staff today!
Holiday Update! 🎅 Campus closed, but get virtual help for spring registration on Dec 20, 23, 27, 30 (8 AM-4 PM).