Associate Degree Nursing - Advanced Placement (LPN-ADN transition) REVISED

Curriculum Description

The Associate Degree Nursing advanced placement (LPN-ADN transition) track is designed for currently licensed LPNs who have practiced for 6 months (or longer) and who wish to earn an associate degree in nursing, becoming eligible to take the NCLEX-RN.

The Associate Degree Nursing curriculum provides knowledge, skills, and strategies to integrate safety and quality into nursing care, to practice in a dynamic environment, and to meet individual needs which impact health, quality of life, and achievement of potential.

Course work includes and builds upon the domains of healthcare, nursing practice, and the holistic individual. Content emphasizes the nurse as a member of the interdisciplinary team providing safe, individualized care while employing evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and informatics.

Graduates of this program are eligible to apply to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN). Employment opportunities are vast within the global health care system and may include positions within acute, chronic, extended, industrial, and community health care facilities.

The following represents one way in which the program of study can be completed. Students who aren’t able to follow the recommended curriculum model below should consult their academic advisor to be sure that they take courses in the best order for their success.

Associate in Applied Science

NC CIP: 51.3801
Day, Evening
POS Approved: Fall 2025

Before MAR Application Deadline

Course Course Title Class Hours Lab/Shop Hours Clinical/WBL Hours Credit Hours
BIO 168 Anatomy and Physiology I 3 3 0 4
BIO 169 Anatomy and Physiology II 3 3 0 4
PSY 150 General Psychology (Global) 3 0 0 3
PSY 241 Developmental Psych (Global) 3 0 0 3
  Total: 12 6 0 14

1st Semester

Course Course Title Class Hours Lab/Shop Hours Clinical/WBL Hours Credit Hours
ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry 3 0 0 3
NUR 221 LPN to ADN Concepts I 6 0 9 9
___ ___ Humanities/Fine Arts Elective * * * 3
  Total: 9 0 9 15

2nd Semester

Course Course Title Class Hours Lab/Shop Hours Clinical/WBL Hours Credit Hours
ENG 112 Writing/Research in the Disc (Global) 3 0 0 3
NUR 223 LPN to ADN Concepts II 6 0 9 9
  Total: 9 0 9 12

Total Credit Hours: 41

Additional Information

Students have the option to enter the program in the fall semester and finish in the spring or to enter in the spring semester and finish in the fall.

Humanities/Fine Arts Electives — Select one: ART 111, ART 114, ART 115HUM 115MUS 110, MUS 112, PHI 215, PHI 240.

Additional admissions requirements

  1. Completion of high school or college credits in biology.
  2. Current cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification at the healthcare provider level.
  3. Completion of program orientation requirements.
  4. A grade of C or higher in all required related courses and a grade of B or higher in all NUR courses is mandatory for admission and progression in Associate Degree Nursing.
  5. Completion of the Forsyth Tech Student Medical Form.
  6. Current, unencumbered license to practice as an LPN in North Carolina.
  7. Proof of 6 months of full-time employment as an LPN (or equivalent).

Program Information

In addition to traditional classroom instruction, students may also receive curriculum content through a variety of delivery technologies, including on line. Students who do not have personal computers with internet access may use the computers in the college nursing laboratory and the Learning Resource Center.

This program has limited enrollment. Students are chosen by scores attained on the TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) and a selective admission process based upon completion of related courses (i.e. biology, English, psychology, etc.) with a grade of C or higher. The Admissions Office can provide additional information on the selection process.

Readmission may be possible but requires reapplication and approval by the college.

Criminal Background Checks/Drug Screening

Clinical agencies require criminal background checks and/or drug screening for students assigned to their facility for clinical education. In addition, national and/or state registry and/or licensure boards may prohibit eligibility for registry or licensure based on criminal background records. Please refer to the Health Technologies section on .

Credit for Prior Learning

Students will receive credit for the following with completion of NUR 221 with a grade of B or higher:

  • NUR 111 Intro to Health Concepts (8 credits)
  • NUR 112 Health Illness Concepts (5 credits)
  • NUR 114 Holistic Health Concepts (5 credits)

Students will receive credit for the following with completion of NUR 223 with a grade of B or higher:

  • NUR 113 Family Health Concepts (5 credits)
  • NUR 211 Healthcare Concepts (5 credits)

For more information, please see the Allied Health/Nursing Admissions webpage at or contact the nursing department.
