Paralegal Technology - Legal Assistant REVISED

Curriculum Description

The Paralegal Technology curriculum prepares individuals to work under the supervision of attorneys by performing routine legal tasks and assisting with substantive legal work. A paralegal/legal assistant may not practice law, give legal advice or represent clients in a court of law.

Course work includes substantive and procedural legal knowledge in the areas of civil litigation, legal research and writing, real estate, family law, wills, estates, trusts, and commercial law. Required courses also include subjects such as English, mathematics and computer utilization.

Graduates are trained to assist attorneys in probate work, investigations, public records searches, drafting and filing legal documents, research, and office management. Employment opportunities are available in private law firms, governmental agencies, banks, insurance agencies and other business organizations.

The following represents one way in which the certificate can be completed. Students who aren’t able to follow the recommended curriculum model below should consult their academic advisor to be sure that they take courses in the best order for their success.


NC CIP: 22.0302
Day, Evening
POS Approved: Fall 2025

Fall Semester

Course Course Title Class Hours Lab/Shop Hours Clinical/WBL Hours Credit Hours
CIS 110 Introduction to Computers 2 2 0 3
LEX 110 Intro to Paralegal Study 2 0 0 2
LEX 130 Civil Injuries 3 0 0 3
LEX 240 Family Law 3 0 0 3
LEX 280 Ethics & Professionalism 2 0 0 2
OST 137 Office Applications I 2 2 0 3
  Total: 14 4 0 16

Total Credit Hours: 16

Additional Information

A student must receive a grade of C or higher in any LEX course and ACC 120, OST 130, 0ST 134 in order to receive credit for that course towards an Associate In Applied Science degree in Paralegal Technology, diploma or certificate in Paralegal Technology.
