You currently viewing the 2020 - 2021 Academic Catalog/Student Handbook. The current catalog is located here.

Associate in Engineering

Curriculum Description

The Associate in Engineering (AE) degree shall be granted for a planned program of study consisting of a minimum of 60 semester hours of credit (SHC) of courses. Within the degree program, the institution shall include opportunities for the achievement of competence in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and basic computer use.

The degree plan includes required general education and prerequisite courses that are acceptable to all state funded Bachelor of Engineering programs. Students who follow the degree progression plan will meet the entrance requirements at all of the North Carolina public Bachelor of Science Engineering programs. Associate in Engineering graduates may then apply to any of these programs without taking additional and sometimes duplicative courses. Admission to Engineering programs is highly competitive and admission is not guaranteed.

To be eligible for the transfer of credits under the AE to the Bachelor of Science in Engineering Articulation Agreement, community college graduates must obtain a grade of “C” or better in each course and an overall GPA of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.

Associate in Engineering

A10500 Revised
NC CIP: 14.0102
Day and Evening
POS Approved: Fall 2020

Semester One

Course Course Title Class Hours Lab/Shop Hours Clinical/WBL Hours Credit Hours
ACA 122 College Transfer Success 0 2 0 1
CHM 151 General Chemistry I REVISED REQUISITE 3 3 0 4
COM 231 Public Speaking REVISED REQUISITE 3 0 0 3
EGR 150 Intro to Engineering 1 2 0 2
ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry NEW VERSION 3 0 0 3
MAT 271 Calculus I 3 2 0 4
  Total: 13 9 0 17

Semester Two

Course Course Title Class Hours Lab/Shop Hours Clinical/WBL Hours Credit Hours
CHM 152 General Chemistry II 3 3 0 4
ECO 251 Prin of Microeconomics REVISED REQUISITE 3 0 0 3
ENG 112 Writing/Research in the Disc 3 0 0 3
MAT 272 Calculus II 3 2 0 4
  Total: 12 5 0 14

Semester Three

Course Course Title Class Hours Lab/Shop Hours Clinical/WBL Hours Credit Hours
MAT 273 Calculus III 3 2 0 4
MAT 280 Linear Algebra 2 2 0 3
PHI 240 Introduction to Ethics 3 0 0 3
PHY 251 General Physics I 3 3 0 4
  Total: 11 7 0 14

Semester Four

Course Course Title Class Hours Lab/Shop Hours Clinical/WBL Hours Credit Hours
HUM 110 Technology and Society REVISED REQUISITE 3 0 0 3
MAT 285 Differential Equations 2 2 0 3
PED 110 Fit and Well for Life REVISED REQUISITE 1 2 0 2
PHY 252 General Physics II 3 3 0 4
POL 120 American Government REVISED REQUISITE 3 0 0 3
  Total: 12 7 0 15

Total Credit Hours: 60

Additional Information

Students may replace CHM 152, HUM 110, MAT 280, MAT 285 and PED 110 with other courses from the list below appropriate to the specific university and engineering major requirements.

The courses below in red font are found above in the Curriculum Model that may be switched for other courses in this list.

The total hours for these courses must equal 11-12 credits.

Course Title SHC
BIO 111   
General Biology I 4
CHM 152    
General Chemistry II 4
CHM 251 Organic Chemistry I 4
CHM 252 Organic Chemistry II 4
COM 231 Public Speaking 3
CSC 134   
C++ Programming 3
CSC 151   
JAVA Programming 3
DFT 170   
Engineering Graphics 3
ECO 252   
Principles of Macroeconomics 3
EGR 210   
Intro to Electrical/Computer Engineering Lab        
EGR 212   
Logic System Design I 3
EGR 215   
Network Theory I 3
EGR 216   
Logic and Network Lab 1
EGR 220   
Engineering Statics 3
EGR 225   
Engineering Dynamics 3
EGR 228   
Introduction to Solid Mechanics 3
HUM 110   
Technology and Society 3
MAT 280   
Linear Algebra 3
MAT 285   
Differential Equations 3
PED 110   
Fitness and Wellness for Life 2

Students may qualify for Work-Based Learning; see your advisor for details.


                                                            Associate in Engineering (A10500)

The general education common course pathway includes study in the areas of
English composition; humanities and fine arts; social and behavioral sciences; natural sciences and mathematics.

(Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) courses will transfer for equivalency credit to all UNC
institutions.) *Exceptions (i.e. courses which are not classified as UGETC are italicized.

English Composition (6 SHC)

The following two English composition courses are required.

 ENG 111
 ENG 112 

 List 1*

Humanities/Fine Arts and Communication (6 SHC)

*Students must select one course from each category.

Humanities: Select One.

ENG 231, ENG 232,
PHI 215, PHI 240
REL 110

Note: REL 110 is NOT a UGETC course! 

Fine Arts and Communication: Select One.

COM 231,
ART 111, ART 114, ART 115,
MUS 110, MUS 112,

List 2*

Social/Behavioral Science (6 SHC) 

Required Course:

ECO 251

Select One.

HIS 111, HIS 112, HIS 131, HIS 132,
POL 120,
PSY 150,
SOC 210

List 3

Mathematics (12 SHC)

Calculus I is the lowest level math course that will be accepted by the engineering programs
for transfer as a math credit. Students who are not calculus-ready will need to take additional math courses.
See your advisor for further information.

Required Courses:

MAT 271, MAT 272, MAT 273                                                                     

List 4

Natural Sciences (12 SHC)

Required Courses

CHM 151
PHY 251
PHY 252

List 5


Other General Education (3-4 SHC)

BIO 111
CHM 152
COM 110, COM 231
ECO 252
GEL 111
HUM 110
PHI 240


Academic Transition (1 SHC)

Required Course:

ACA 122 College Transfer for Success - 1 Credit

Students MUST take ACA 122 in their first semester.

Pre-major Elective (2)

Required Course:

EGR 150

List 6

Other General Education and Pre-major Elective Hours (12 SHC)

Select 12 Credits 

Select 12 SHC of courses from the following courses classified as pre-major, elective, or general education courses
within the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. (Students must meet the receiving university’s foreign language
and/or health and physical education requirements, if applicable, prior to or after transfer to the senior institution.)

Students should choose courses appropriate to the specific university and engineering major requirements.

Courses offered at Forsyth Tech

BIO 111,
CHM 152, CHM 251, CHM 252
COM 110, COM 231
CSC 134, CSC 151,
DFT 170,
ECO 252,
EGR 210, EGR 212, EGR 215, EGR 216, EGR 220, EGR 225, EGR 228,
HUM 110,
MAT 280, MAT 285,
PED 110, WBL 111

Total Semester Hours Credit (SHC) in Program: 60

Students must meet the receiving university’s foreign language and/or health and physical education requirements,
if applicable, prior to or after transfer to the senior institution.

SBCC Approved 02/20/2015; BOG approved 02/27/2015. 

First Year and Semester Offered at Forsyth Tech: 2015FA

A10500 Revised
💙 February 12 is Forsyth Tech’s Day of Giving! 💙 Your gift changes lives—support students, faculty, and staff today!
Holiday Update! 🎅 Campus closed, but get virtual help for spring registration on Dec 20, 23, 27, 30 (8 AM-4 PM).