Quantitative Literacy

Course Course Title Class Lab/ Shop Clinical/ Co-op Credit
MAT 143 Quantitative Literacy 2 2 0 3
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: MAT 045
Effective Term: Summer 2024
This course is designed to engage students in complex and realistic situations involving the mathematical phenomena of quantity, change and relationship, and uncertainty through project- and activity-based assessment. Emphasis is placed on authentic contexts which will introduce the concepts of numeracy, proportional reasoning, dimensional analysis, rates of growth, personal finance, consumer statistics, practical probabilities, and mathematics for citizenship. Upon completion, students should be able to utilize quantitative information as consumers and to make personal, professional, and civic decisions by decoding, interpreting, using, and communicating quantitative information found in modern media and encountered in everyday life. This course has been approved for transfer under the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement as a general education course in Mathematics (Quantitative).
·Student Learning Outcomes
·1. Judge the reasonableness of results using estimation, logical processes, and a proper understanding of quantity
·2. Utilize proportional reasoning to solve contextual problems and make conversions involving various units of measurement
·3. Identify, interpret, and compare linear and exponential rates of growth to make predictions and informed decisions based on data and graphs
·4. Differentiate between simple and compound interest and analyze the long-term effects of saving, investing, and borrowing
·5. Describe, analyze, and interpret statistical information such as graphs, tables, and summarized data to draw appropriate conclusions when presented with actual statistical studies
·6. Determine probabilities and expected values and use them to assess risk and make informed decisions
·7. Analyze civic and/or societal issues and critique decisions using relevant mathematics



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