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Associate in Arts in Teacher Preparation

Curriculum Description

The Associate in Arts in Teacher Preparation degree shall be granted for a planned program of study consisting of a minimum of 60 semester hours of credit (SHC) of college transfer courses. Within the degree program, the institution shall include opportunities for the achievement of competence in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and basic computer use.

The Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) and the Independent Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (ICAA) enables North Carolina community college graduates of two-year associate in arts programs who are admitted to constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina and to Signatory Institutions of North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities to transfer with junior status.

Community college graduates must obtain a grade of “C” or better in each course and an overall GPA of at least 2.7 on a 4.0 scale in order to transfer with a junior status. Courses may also transfer through bilateral agreements between institutions.

The following represents one way in which the program of study can be completed. Students who aren’t able to follow the recommended curriculum model below should consult their academic advisor to be sure that they take courses in the best order for their success.

Associate in Arts

NC CIP: 24.0101
Day, Evening
POS Approved: Fall 2022

Fall Semester

Course Course Title Class Hours Lab/Shop Hours Clinical/WBL Hours Credit Hours
ACA 122 College Transfer Success 0 2 0 1
EDU 216 Foundations of Education 3 0 0 3
ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry 3 0 0 3
___ ___ General Education Elective * * * 4
Select one:
Intro Interpersonal Com 3 0 0 3
Public Speaking (3) (0) (0) (3)
  Total: 9 2 0 14

Spring Semester

Course Course Title Class Hours Lab/Shop Hours Clinical/WBL Hours Credit Hours
EDU 187 Teaching and Learning for All 3 3 0 4
ENG 112 Writing/Research in the Disc 3 0 0 3
___ ___ General Education Elective * * * 3
Select one:
Quantitative Literacy 2 2 0 3
Statistical Methods I (3) (2) (0) (4)
Precalculus Algebra (3) (2) (0) (4)
  Total: 8 5 0 13

Fall Semester

Course Course Title Class Hours Lab/Shop Hours Clinical/WBL Hours Credit Hours
EDU 279 Literacy Develop and Instruct NEW 3 3 0 4
SOC 225 Social Diversity 3 0 0 3
___ ___ General Education Elective * * * 4
___ ___ Humanities/Fine Arts Elective ** ** 0 3
___ ___ Social/Behavioral Science Elective 3 0 0 3
  Total: 9 3 0 17

Spring Semester

Course Course Title Class Hours Lab/Shop Hours Clinical/WBL Hours Credit Hours
EDU 250 Teacher Licensure Preparation 3 0 0 3
___ ___ General Education Elective * * * 3
___ ___ Humanities/Fine Arts Elective ** ** 0 3
___ ___ Natural Science Elective ** ** ** 4
___ ___ Social/Behavioral Science Elective 3 0 0 3
  Total: 6 0 0 16

Total Credit Hours: 60

Additional Information

General Education Elective

Select 14 credits from:

Humanities/Fine Arts Electives

Select 6 hours from:

Consult an academic advisor concerning other possible electives.

Natural Science Elective

Select 4 credits from:

Social/Behavioral Science Elective

Select 6 hours with a minimum of two subjects from:
