You currently viewing the 2016 - 2017 Academic Catalog/Student Handbook. The current catalog is located here.
Programs Offered
The program maps listed below represent how the programs of study should be completed. Students who aren’t able to follow the recommended maps below should consult with their academic advisor to be sure that they take courses in the best order for their success.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Program | Degree | Offered | Code | CIP |
Accounting | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A25100 | 52.0301 |
Accounting | Associate in Applied Science | Evening | A25100 | 52.0301 |
Accounting | Diploma | Day | D25100 | 52.0301 |
Accounting | Diploma | Evening | D25100 | 52.0301 |
Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Technology | Diploma | Day | D35100 REVISED | 47.0201 |
Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Technology - Comfort Systems |
Certificate | Evening | C35100CS | 47.0201 |
Architectural Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A40100 | 15.0101 |
Architectural Technology-Sustainable Design | Certificate | Day | C40100SD | 15.0101 |
Associate Degree Nursing - Fall Entry | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A45110 | 51.3801 |
Associate Degree Nursing - Spring Entry | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A45110 | 51.3801 |
Associate Degree Nursing - RIBN | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A45110RB | 51.3801 |
Associate in Arts | Associate in Arts | Day, Evening, Online | A10100 REVISED | 24.0101 |
Associate in Engineering | Associate in Engineering | Day and Evening | A10500 REVISED | 14.0102 |
Associate in Fine Arts | Associate in Fine Arts | Day, Evening, Partial Online | A10200 | 24.0101 |
Associate in General Education | Associate in General Education | Day and Evening | A10300 | 24.0199 |
Associate in Science | Associate in Science | Day and Evening | A10400 | 24.0101 |
Automotive Systems Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A60160 | 47.0604 |
Automotive Systems Technology - Toyota T-Ten | Associate in Applied Science | Day, Partial Online | A60160 | 47.0604 |
Automotive Systems Technology | Diploma | Evening | D60160 | 47.0604 |
Basic Law Enforcement Training | Certificate | Day | C55120 | 43.0107 |
Biomedical Equipment Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day, Evening | A50100 REVISED | 15.0401 |
Biotechnology | Associate in Applied Science | Day, Evening | A20100 | 41.0101 |
Biotechnology | Diploma | Day, Evening | D20100 | 41.0101 |
Broadcasting and Production Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A30120 REVISED | 10.0202 |
Broadcasting and Production Technology - Radio Production | Diploma | Day | D30120RP | 10.0202 |
Business Administration - General Track | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A25120BA REVISED | 52.0201 |
Business Administration - General Track | Associate in Applied Science | Evening and Online | A25120BA REVISED | 52.0201 |
Business Administration - Import Export Track | Associate in Applied Science | Day, Online | A25120IE REVISED | 52.0201 |
Business Administration - International Business Global Track | Associate in Applied Science | Day, Online | A25120IB REVISED | 52.0201 |
Business Administration - Public Administration Track | Associate in Applied Science | Day, Evening and Online | A25120PA REVISED | 52.0201 |
Business Administration - Customer Service | Certificate | Day, Evening and Online | C25120C | 52.0201 |
Business Administration - Global Entrepreneurship | Certificate | Day, Evening and Online | C25120GE | 52.0201 |
Business Administration - Human Resources | Certificate | Day, Evening, Online | C25120HR | 52.0201 |
Business Administration - International Business | Certificate | Day, Evening and Online | C25120IB | 52.0201 |
Cardiovascular Sonography | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A45160 | 51.0999 |
Cardiovascular Sonography - Adult Echocardiography | Diploma | Day | D45160AE | 51.0999 |
Carpentry | Diploma | Day | D35180 | 46.0201 |
Carpentry - Framing | Certificate | Day | C35180 | 46.0201 |
Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A60130 | 47.0603 |
Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology | Diploma | Evening | D60130 | 47.0603 |
Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology - Motorcycle Engines | Certificate | Day and Evening | C60130ME | 47.0603 |
Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology - Non-Structural Damage | Certificate | Day and Evening | C60130ND | 47.0603 |
Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology - Painting and Finishing | Certificate | Day and Evening | C60130PF | 47.0603 |
Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology - Structural Damage | Certificate | Day and Evening | C60130SD | 47.0603 |
Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology - Distance Learning Non-Clinical | Certificate | Online | C45200DL | 51.0999 |
Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology - Traditional Clinical I | Certificate | Day | C45200TA | 51.0999 |
Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology - Traditional Clinical II | Certificate | Day | C45200TB REVISED | 51.0999 |
Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology - Traditional Non-Clinical | Certificate | Day | C45200TN | 51.0999 |
Computer Engineering Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A40160 | 15.1201 |
Computer Engineering Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Evening | A40160 | 15.1201 |
Computer Information Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Online | A25260 | 11.0103 |
Computer Information Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Evening and Online | A25260 | 11.0103 |
Computer Information Technology - Helpdesk Operations | Diploma | Day and Online | D25260 | 11.0103 |
Computer Information Technology - Helpdesk Operations | Diploma | Evening and Online | D25260 | 11.0103 |
Computer Information Technology | Certificate | Day, Evening and Online | C25260 | 11.0103 |
Computer Information Technology - Helpdesk Operations | Certificate | Day, Evening and Online | C25260H | 11.0103 |
Computer Programming | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A25130 | 11.0201 |
Computer Programming | Associate in Applied Science | Evening | A25130 | 11.0201 |
Computer Programming | Diploma | Day | D25130 | 11.0201 |
Computer Programming | Diploma | Evening | D25130 | 11.0201 |
Computer Programming | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25130CP | 11.0201 |
Computer Programming - ASP.Net | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25130AN | 11.0201 |
Computer Programming - JAVA Programming | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25130JP | 11.0201 |
Computer-Integrated Machining | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A50210 REVISED | 48.0503 |
Computer-Integrated Machining | Diploma | Day | D50210 REVISED | 48.0503 |
Computer-Integrated Machining | Diploma | Evening | D50210 REVISED | 48.0503 |
Computer-Integrated Machining - CNC | NOT AVAILABLE | C50210CN | 48.0503 | |
Computer-Integrated Machining - CNC | NOT AVAILABLE | C50210CN | 48.0503 | |
Criminal Justice Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day, Evening and Online | A55180 | 43.0104 |
Criminal Justice Technology | Certificate | Day, Evening and Online | C55180 | 43.0104 |
Criminal Justice Technology/Latent Evidence | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Evening | A5518A | 43.0106 |
Criminal Justice Technology/Latent Evidence | Certificate | Day and Evening | C5518A | 43.0106 |
Cyber Crime Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Evening | A55210 | 43.0116 |
Cyber Crime Technology | Certificate | Day and Online | C55210 | 43.0116 |
Database Management | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A25150 | 11.0802 |
Database Management | Associate in Applied Science | Evening | A25150 | 11.0802 |
Database Management - MCITP-DBA | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25150DB | 11.0802 |
Dental Assisting | Diploma | Day | D45240 REVISED | 51.0601 |
Dental Hygiene | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A45260 REVISED | 51.0602 |
Developmental Education | ||||
Diesel and Heavy Equipment Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A60460 REVISED | 47.0613 |
Diesel and Heavy Equipment Technology | Diploma | Day | D60460 REVISED | 47.0613 |
Diesel and Heavy Equipment Technology | Certificate | Day | C60460 | 47.0613 |
Digital Effects and Animation Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A30130 | 10.0304 |
Digital Effects and Animation Technology - Gaming Design | Certificate | Day | C30130GD | 10.0304 |
Early Childhood Education | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Evening | A55220 | 13.1210 |
Early Childhood Education | Diploma | Day and Evening | D55220 | 13.1210 |
Early Childhood Education - Administration | Certificate | Day and Evening | C55220A | 13.1210 |
Early Childhood Education - Early Childhood | Certificate | Day and Evening | C55220 | 13.1210 |
Early Childhood Education - Early Intervention | Certificate | Day and Evening | C55220EI | 13.1210 |
Early Childhood Education - Infant and Toddler | Certificate | Day and Evening | C55220IT | 13.1210 |
Electrical Systems Technology | Diploma | Day | D35130 | 46.0302 |
Electrical Systems Technology | Certificate | Day | C35130 | 46.0302 |
Electronics Engineering Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A40200 | 15.0303 |
Electronics Engineering Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Evening | A40200 | 15.0303 |
Electronics Engineering Technology | Certificate | Day and Evening | C40200 | 15.0303 |
Emergency Management | Associate in Applied Science | Online | A55460 | 43.0302 |
Emergency Medical Science | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A45340 REVISED | 51.0904 |
Entrepreneurship | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Online | A25490 | 52.0701 |
Entrepreneurship - Small Business Management | Certificate | Day and Online | C25490SB | 52.0701 |
Environmental Science Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A20140 | 03.0104 |
Financial Services | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Online | A25330 | 52.0803 |
Financial Services | Associate in Applied Science | Evening and Online | A25330 | 52.0803 |
Fire Protection Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Evening | A55240 | 43.0201 |
Fire Protection Technology | Diploma | Day and Evening | D55240 | 43.0201 |
General Occupational Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Evening | A55280 | 24.0102 |
General Occupational Technology | Diploma | Day and Evening | D55280 | 24.0102 |
Global Logistics and Distribution Management Technology - Global Track | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Online | A25610G REVISED | 52.0203 |
Global Logistics and Distribution Management Technology - Distribution Management Track | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Online | A25610D REVISED | 52.0203 |
Global Logistics and Distribution Management Technology - Global Logistics Technology | Diploma | Day and Online | D25610 | 52.0203 |
Global Logistics and Distribution Management Technology - Global Logistics Technology | Diploma | Evening and Online | D25610 | 52.0203 |
Global Logistics and Distribution Management Technology -- Geographic Information Systems | Certificate | Day, Evening and Online | C25610GI REVISED | 52.0203 |
Global Logistics and Distribution Management Technology -- Global Logistics Technology | Certificate | Day, Evening and Online | C25610 | 52.0203 |
Graphic Arts and Imaging Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A30180 REVISED | 50.0409 |
Graphic Arts and Imaging Technology | Diploma | Day | D30180 | 50.0409 |
Healthcare Business Informatics | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Evening | A25510 | 51.0709 |
Healthcare Business Informatics | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25510 | 51.0709 |
Healthcare Management Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Online | A25200 | 51.0705 |
Healthcare Management Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Evening and Online | A25200 | 51.0705 |
Horticulture Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A15240 | 01.0601 |
Horticulture Technology - Greenhouse and Nursery Operations | Certificate | Evening | C15240NG | 01.0601 |
Horticulture Technology - Landscape Architecture | Certificate | Day | C15240LA | 01.0601 |
Horticulture Technology - Landscape Maintenance | Certificate | Evening | C15240LM | 01.0601 |
Horticulture Technology - Market Gardening | Certificate | Day | C15240MG | 01.0601 |
Human Services Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Evening | A45380 REVISED | 51.1599 |
Human Services Technology | Diploma | Day and Evening | D45380 | 51.1599 |
Human Services Technology - Domestic Violence Intervention | Certificate | Day and Evening | C45380DV | 51.1599 |
Human Services Technology - MH/SA Peer Coach | Certificate | Day and Evening | C45380PC | 51.1599 |
Human Services Technology - Social Services | Certificate | Day and Evening | C45380SS | 51.1599 |
Human Services Technology - Substance Abuse | Certificate | Day and Evening | C45380SA | 51.1599 |
Human Services Technology/Gerontology | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Evening | A4538B | 19.0702 |
Human Services Technology/Gerontology | Diploma | Day and Evening | D4538B | 19.0702 |
Human Services Technology/Gerontology - Social Gerontology | Certificate | Day and Evening | C4538BSG | 19.0702 |
Industrial Systems Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A50240 | 15.0499 |
Industrial Systems Technology | Diploma | Day | D50240 REVISED | 15.0499 |
Industrial Systems Technology - Machine Operator | Certificate | Day and Evening | C50240MO | 15.0499 |
Information Systems Security | Associate in Applied Science | Evening | A25270 | 11.1003 |
Interior Design | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A30220 REVISED | 50.0408 |
Interior Design - Kitchen and Bath | Diploma NEW | Evening | D30220KB | 50.0408 |
Interventional Cardiac and Vascular Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A45410 | 51.0901 |
Interventional Cardiac and Vascular Technology - Cardiac | Certificate | Online | C45410C REVISED | 51.0901 |
Interventional Cardiac and Vascular Technology - Vascular | Certificate | Online | C45410V REVISED | 51.0901 |
Lateral Entry | Certificate | Day | C55430 REVISED | 13.0101 |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A45800 | 51.0920 |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Advanced Placement | Diploma | Day | D45800 REVISED | 51.0920 |
Mechanical Engineering Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A40320 REVISED | 15.0805 |
Medical Assisting - Fall Entry | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A45400 | 51.0801 |
Medical Assisting - Spring Entry | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A45400 | 51.0801 |
Medical Office Administration | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Evening | A25310 | 51.0705 |
Medical Office Administration | Diploma | Day and Evening | D25310 | 51.0705 |
Medical Office Administration - Advanced Medical Office Coding | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25310AC | 51.0705 |
Medical Office Administration - Medical Receptionist | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25310MR | 51.0705 |
Medical Office Administration - Outpatient Billing | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25310B | 51.0705 |
Medical Sonography | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A45440 | 51.0910 |
Motorcycle Mechanics | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Evening | A60260 | 47.0611 |
Nanotechnology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A20190 | 15.1601 |
Nanotechnology | Diploma | Day | D20190 | 15.1601 |
Nanotechnology | Certificate | Day | C20190 | 15.1601 |
Nanotechnology - Clinical Trials Research | Certificate | Day | C20190CT | 15.1601 |
Networking Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A25340 | 11.0901 |
Networking Technology - Networking Security | Diploma | Day and Evening | D25340NS | 11.0901 |
Networking Technology - MCITP-EA | Diploma | Day | D25340EA | 11.0901 |
Networking Technology - Cisco Networking Associate | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25340CN | 11.0901 |
Networking Technology - Linux RHCE | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25340CE | 11.0901 |
Networking Technology - Linux RHCT | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25340CT | 11.0901 |
Networking Technology - MCITP-SA | Certificate | Day | C25340SA | 11.0901 |
Nonprofit Leadership and Management | Associate in Applied Science | Day, Evening and Online | A25410 | 52.0206 |
Nonprofit Leadership and Management - Financial Management | Certificate | Day, Evening and Online | C25410FM | 52.0206 |
Nonprofit Leadership and Management - Governance | Certificate | Day, Evening and Online | C25410GV | 52.0206 |
Nonprofit Leadership and Management - Marketing | Certificate | Day, Evening and Online | C25410MK | 52.0206 |
Nuclear Medicine Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A45460 | 51.0905 |
Office Administration | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Evening | A25370 REVISED | 52.0204 |
Office Administration | Diploma | Day and Evening | D25370 REVISED | 52.0204 |
Office Administration - Application Specialist | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25370AS | 52.0204 |
Paralegal Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A25380 REVISED | 22.0302 |
Paralegal Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Evening | A25380 REVISED | 22.0302 |
Paralegal Technology | Diploma | Day and Evening | D25380 REVISED | 22.0302 |
Paralegal Technology - Business Practice | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25380B | 22.0302 |
Paralegal Technology - Family Law | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25380F | 22.0302 |
Paralegal Technology - Litigation | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25380L | 22.0302 |
Paralegal Technology - Personal Injury | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25380P | 22.0302 |
Paralegal Technology - Real Property | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25380R | 22.0302 |
Paralegal Technology - Wills and Estate Administration | Certificate | Day and Evening | C25380W | 22.0302 |
Pharmacy Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Evening | A45580 | 51.0805 |
Pharmacy Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Evening Part-time | A45580 | 51.0805 |
Pharmacy Technology | Diploma | Evening | D45580 | 51.0805 |
Pharmacy Technology | Diploma | Evening Part-time | D45580 | 51.0805 |
Plumbing | Diploma | Day | D35300 | 46.0503 |
Plumbing | Certificate | Day | C35300 | 46.0503 |
Practical Nursing | Diploma | Day, Evening/Weekend | D45660 | 51.3901 |
Project Management Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Online | A25390 | 52.0201 |
Project Management Technology - Information Systems | Certificate | Day and Online | C25390IS | 52.0201 |
Race Car Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A60400 REVISED | 47.0604 |
Race Car Technology - Chassis Fabrication | Certificate | Day | C60400CF | 47.0604 |
Race Car Technology - Race Car Setup | Certificate | Day and Evening | C60400CS | 47.0604 |
Race Car Technology - Racing Engines | Certificate | Day and Evening | C60400RE | 47.0604 |
Radiation Therapy Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A45680 | 51.0907 |
Radiation Therapy Technology - Advanced Placement | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A45680A | 51.0907 |
Radiography | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A45700 | 51.0911 |
Recreational Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Technology | Certificate | Evening | C60310 | 47.0699 |
Respiratory Therapy | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A45720 REVISED | 51.0908 |
School-Age Education | Associate in Applied Science | Day and Evening | A55440 | 13.1202 |
School-Age Education | Diploma | Day and Evening | D55440 | 13.1202 |
School-Age Education - School-Age Care | Certificate | Day and Evening | C55440SC | 13.1202 |
School-Age Education - Special Education | Certificate | Day and Evening | C55440SE | 13.1202 |
Therapeutic Massage | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A45750 | 51.3501 |
Therapeutic Massage | Diploma | Day | D45750 | 51.3501 |
Therapeutic Massage | Diploma | Evening | D45750 | 51.3501 |
Therapeutic Massage - Massage Practitioner I | Certificate | Day | C45750MA | 51.3501 |
Therapeutic Massage - Massage Practitioner I | Certificate | Evening Part-time | C45750MA | 51.3501 |
Therapeutic Massage - Massage Practitioner II | Certificate | Day | C45750MB | 51.3501 |
Therapeutic Massage - Massage Practitioner II | Certificate | Evening Part-time | C45750MB | 51.3501 |
Web Technologies | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A25290 | 11.0401 |
Web Technologies | NOT AVAILABLE | A25290 | 11.0401 | |
Web Technologies - Mobile Application | Certificate | Day | C25290MA | 11.0401 |
Web Technologies - Social Media | Certificate | Day | C25290SM | 11.0401 |
Welding Technology | Associate in Applied Science | Day | A50420 | 48.0508 |
Welding Technology | Diploma | Day | D50420 | 48.0508 |
Welding Technology | Diploma | Evening | D50420 | 48.0508 |
Welding Technology | Certificate | Day | C50420 | 48.0508 |
Welding Technology | Certificate | Evening | C50420 | 48.0508 |
All Programs Offered
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