You currently viewing the 2015 - 2016 Academic Catalog. The current catalog is located here.


The North Carolina Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) is a statewide agreement governing the transfer of credits between NC community colleges and NC public universities and has as its objective the smooth transfer of students.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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Course Title Class Lab / Shop Clinical / Co-op Credit
ACA 085 Improving Study Skills 0 2 0 1
ACA 090 Student Success Strategies 3 0 0 3
ACA 111 College Student Success 1 0 0 1
ACA 122 College Transfer Success 0 2 0 1
ACC 111 Financial Accounting 3 0 0 3
ACC 120 Prin of Financial Accounting 3 2 0 4
ACC 121 Prin of Managerial Accounting 3 2 0 4
ACC 129 Individual Income Taxes 2 2 0 3
ACC 130 Business Income Taxes 2 2 0 3
ACC 150 Accounting Software Appl 1 2 0 2
ACC 220 Intermediate Accounting I 3 2 0 4
ACC 221 Intermediate Acct II 3 2 0 4
ACC 225 Cost Accounting 3 0 0 3
ACC 226 Advanced Managerial Accounting 3 0 0 3
ACC 250 Advanced Accounting 3 0 0 3
ACC 269 Auditing & Assurance Services 3 0 0 3
ACC 270 International Accounting 3 0 0 3
ACC 279 Advanced Auditing 3 0 0 3
AHR 110 Intro to Refrigeration 2 6 0 5
AHR 111 HVACR Electricity 2 2 0 3
AHR 112 Heating Technology 2 4 0 4
AHR 113 Comfort Cooling 2 4 0 4
AHR 114 Heat Pump Technology 2 4 0 4
AHR 115 Refrigeration Systems NEW 2015 1 3 0 2
AHR 125 HVACR Electronics NEW 2015 2 2 0 3
AHR 130 HVAC Controls 2 2 0 3
AHR 140 All-Weather Systems NEW 2015 1 3 0 2
AHR 151 HVAC Duct Systems I NEW 2015 1 3 0 2
AHR 160 Refrigerant Certification 1 0 0 1
AHR 210 Residential Building Code 1 2 0 2
AHR 211 Residential System Design 2 2 0 3
AHR 212 Advanced Comfort Systems 2 6 0 4
AHR 213 HVACR Building Code NEW 2015 1 2 0 2
AHR 215 Commercial HVAC Controls NEW 2015 1 3 0 2
AHR 225 Commercial System Design NEW 2015 2 3 0 3
AHR 250 HVAC System Diagnostics 0 4 0 2
AHR 255 Indoor Air Quality NEW 2015 1 2 0 2
AHR 263 Energy Management NEW 2015 1 3 0 2
ANT 210 General Anthropology 3 0 0 3
ANT 220 Cultural Anthropology 3 0 0 3
ARA 111 Elementary Arabic I 3 0 0 3
ARA 112 Elementary Arabic II 3 0 0 3
ARA 211 Intermediate Arabic I 3 0 0 3
ARA 212 Intermediate Arabic II 3 0 0 3
ARC 111 Intro to Arch Technology 1 6 0 3
ARC 112 Constr Matls & Methods 3 2 0 4
ARC 113 Residential Arch Tech 1 6 0 3
ARC 114 Architectural CAD 1 3 0 2
ARC 131 Building Codes 2 2 0 3
ARC 132 Specifications and Contracts 2 0 0 2
ARC 141 Elem Structures for Arch 4 0 0 4
ARC 210 Intro to Sustain Design 1 3 0 2
ARC 211 Light Constr Technology 1 6 0 3
ARC 212 Commercial Constr Tech 1 6 0 3
ARC 213 Design Project 2 6 0 4
ARC 221 Architectural 3-D CAD 1 4 0 3
ARC 230 Environmental Systems 3 3 0 4
ARC 231 Arch Presentations 2 4 0 4
ARC 235 Architectural Portfolio 2 3 0 3
ARC 240 Site Planning 2 2 0 3
ARC 250 Survey of Architecture 3 0 0 3
ART 111 Art Appreciation 3 0 0 3
ART 114 Art History Survey I 3 0 0 3
ART 115 Art History Survey II 3 0 0 3
ART 116 Survey of American Art 3 0 0 3
ART 118 Art by Women 3 0 0 3
ART 121 Two-Dimensional Design 0 6 0 3
ART 122 Three-Dimensional Design 0 6 0 3
ART 131 Drawing I 0 6 0 3
ART 132 Drawing II 0 6 0 3
ART 135 Figure Drawing I 0 6 0 3
ART 171 Computer Art I 0 6 0 3
ART 240 Painting I 0 6 0 3
ART 241 Painting II 0 6 0 3
ART 264 Digital Photography I 1 4 0 3
ART 265 Digital Photography II 1 4 0 3
ART 281 Sculpture I 0 6 0 3
ART 282 Sculpture II 0 6 0 3
ART 283 Ceramics I 0 6 0 3
ART 284 Ceramics II 0 6 0 3
AST 111 Descriptive Astronomy 3 0 0 3
AST 111A Descriptive Astronomy Lab 0 2 0 1
AST 151 General Astronomy I 3 0 0 3
AST 151A General Astronomy I Lab 0 2 0 1
AST 152 General Astronomy II 3 0 0 3
AST 152A General Astronomy II Lab 0 2 0 1
ATR 112 Intro to Automation 2 3 0 3
ATR 219 Automation Troubleshooting 1 3 0 2
ATR 280 Robotic Fundamentals 3 2 0 4
AUB 111 Painting & Refinishing I 2 6 0 4
AUB 112 Painting & Refinishing II 2 6 0 4
AUB 114 Special Finishes 1 2 0 2
AUB 121 Non-Structural Damage I 1 4 0 3
AUB 122 Non-Structural Damage II 2 6 0 4
AUB 131 Structural Damage I 2 4 0 4
AUB 132 Structural Damage II 2 6 0 4
AUB 136 Plastics & Adhesives 1 4 0 3
AUB 141 Mech & Elec Components I 2 2 0 3
AUB 142 Mech & Elec Components II 3 9 0 6
AUB 150 Automotive Detailing 1 3 0 2
AUB 160 Body Shop Operations 1 0 0 1
AUB 162 Autobody Estimating 1 2 0 2
AUC 111 Auto Customizing Research 3 0 0 3
AUC 112 Auto Custom Fabrication 2 4 0 4
AUC 113 Custom Auto Upholstery 2 6 0 4
AUC 115 Glass Customizing Methods 2 4 0 4
AUC 117 Custom Airbrushing 2 6 0 4
AUC 285 Auto Custom Design Proj 1 6 0 3
AUT 113 Automotive Servicing I 0 6 0 2
AUT 114 Safety and Emissions 1 2 0 2
AUT 114A Safety and Emissions Lab 0 2 0 1
AUT 116 Engine Repair 2 3 0 3
AUT 116A Engine Repair Lab 0 3 0 1
AUT 141 Suspension & Steering Sys 2 3 0 3
AUT 141A Suspension & Steering Lab 0 3 0 1
AUT 151 Brake Systems 2 3 0 3
AUT 151A Brakes Systems Lab 0 3 0 1
AUT 163 Adv Auto Electricity 2 3 0 3
AUT 181 Engine Performance I 2 3 0 3
AUT 181A Engine Performance 1 Lab 0 3 0 1
AUT 183 Engine Performance 2 2 6 0 4
AUT 213 Automotive Servicing 2 1 3 0 2
AUT 221 Auto Transm/Transaxles 2 3 0 3
AUT 221A Auto Transm/Transax Lab 0 3 0 1
AUT 231 Man Trans/Axles/Drtrains 2 3 0 3
AUT 231A Man Trans/Ax Drtrians Lab 0 3 0 1
BAF 143 Financial Planning 3 0 0 3
BIO 094 Concepts of Human Biology 3 2 0 4
BIO 110 Principles of Biology 3 3 0 4
BIO 111 General Biology I 3 3 0 4
BIO 112 General Biology II 3 3 0 4
BIO 120 Introductory Botany 3 3 0 4
BIO 130 Introductory Zoology 3 3 0 4
BIO 140 Environmental Biology 3 0 0 3
BIO 140A Environmental Biology Lab 0 3 0 1
BIO 143 Field Biology Minicourse 1 2 0 2
BIO 146 Regional Natural History 3 3 0 4
BIO 150 Genetics in Human Affairs 3 0 0 3
BIO 163 Basic Anat & Physiology 4 2 0 5
BIO 165 Anatomy and Physiology I 3 3 0 4
BIO 166 Anatomy and Physiology II 3 3 0 4
BIO 168 Anatomy and Physiology I 3 3 0 4
BIO 169 Anatomy and Physiology II 3 3 0 4
BIO 175 General Microbiology 2 2 0 3
BIO 240 Waste Management 3 0 0 3
BIO 250 Genetics 3 3 0 4
BIO 271 Pathophysiology 3 0 0 3
BIO 275 Microbiology 3 3 0 4
BMT 111 Intro to Biomed Field 2 0 0 2
BMT 112 Hospital Safety & Standards 2 2 0 3
BMT 120 Biomedical Anatomy & Phy 2 2 0 3
BMT 211 Biomedical Measurements 2 2 0 3
BMT 212 BMET Instrumentation I 3 6 0 6
BMT 213 BMET Instrumentation II 2 3 0 3
BMT 223 Imaging Tech/Laser Fund 3 2 0 4
BMT 225 Biomed Troubleshooting 1 4 0 3
BPR 111 Print Reading 1 2 0 2
BPR 115 Elc/Fluid Power Diagrams 1 2 0 2
BPR 121 Blueprint Reading: Mech 1 2 0 2
BPR 130 Print Reading-Construction 3 0 0 3
BPR 135 Schematics & Diagrams 2 0 0 2
BPT 110 Intro to Broadcasting 3 0 0 3
BPT 111 Broadcast Law & Ethics 3 0 0 3
BPT 112 Broadcast Writing 3 2 0 4
BPT 113 Broadcast Sales 3 0 0 3
BPT 115 Public Relations 3 0 0 3
BPT 121 Broadcast Speech I 2 3 0 3
BPT 122 Broadcast Speech II 2 3 0 3
BPT 131 Audio/Radio Production I 2 6 0 4
BPT 132 Audio/Radio Production II 2 6 0 4
BPT 135 Radio Performance I 0 6 0 2
BPT 136 Radio Performance II 0 6 0 2
BPT 137 Radio Performance III 0 6 0 2
BPT 210 Broadcast Management 3 0 0 3
BPT 215 Broadcast Programming 3 0 0 3
BPT 220 Broadcast Marketing 3 0 0 3
BPT 231 Video/TV Production I 2 6 0 4
BPT 232 Video/TV Production II 2 6 0 4
BPT 235 TV Performance I 0 6 0 2
BPT 236 TV Performance II 0 6 0 2
BPT 241 Broadcast Journalism I 3 2 0 4
BPT 250 Institutional Video 2 3 0 3
BPT 255 Computer-Based Production 2 3 0 3
BPT 285 Broadcast Prod Capstone 1 6 0 3
BTC 150 Bioethics 3 0 0 3
BTC 181 Basic Lab Techniques 3 3 0 4
BTC 270 Recombinant DNA Tech 3 3 0 4
BTC 281 Bioprocess Techniques 2 6 0 4
BTC 282 Biotechnology Fermentation I 2 6 0 4
BTC 283 Biotechnology Fermentation II 2 6 0 4
BTC 285 Cell Culture 2 3 0 3
BTC 286 Immunological Techniques 3 3 0 4
BTC 288 Biotech Lab Experience 0 6 0 2
BUS 110 Introduction to Business NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
BUS 115 Business Law I NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
BUS 116 Business Law II NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
BUS 125 Personal Finance 3 0 0 3
BUS 137 Principles of Management NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
BUS 139 Entrepreneurship I 3 0 0 3
BUS 147 Business Insurance 3 0 0 3
BUS 148 Survey of Real Estate 3 0 0 3
BUS 151 People Skills NOT AVAILABLE 2015 3 0 0 3
BUS 152 Human Relations 3 0 0 3
BUS 153 Human Resource Management 3 0 0 3
BUS 173 Procurement Management 3 0 0 3
BUS 217 Employment Law and Regs NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
BUS 225 Business Finance 2 2 0 3
BUS 230 Small Business Management 3 0 0 3
BUS 231 Computerized Inventory 2 2 0 3
BUS 234 Training and Development NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
BUS 238 Integrated Management 3 0 0 3
BUS 239 Bus Applications Seminar 1 2 0 2
BUS 240 Business Ethics 3 0 0 3
BUS 245 Entrepreneurship II 3 0 0 3
BUS 251 Business Psychology 2 0 0 2
BUS 253 Leadership and Mgt Skills 3 0 0 3
BUS 255 Org Behavior in Business 3 0 0 3
BUS 257 Testing and Assessment 3 0 0 3
BUS 260 Business Communication 3 0 0 3
BUS 270 Professional Development 3 0 0 3
CAR 110 Introduction to Carpentry 2 0 0 2
CAR 111 Carpentry I 3 15 0 8
CAR 112 Carpentry II 3 15 0 8
CAR 113 Carpentry III 3 9 0 6
CAR 114 Residential Bldg Codes 3 0 0 3
CAR 115 Res Planning/Estimating 3 0 0 3
CAT 210 CT Physics & Equipment 3 0 0 3
CAT 210A CT Physics & Equip Lab 0 2 0 1
CAT 211 CT Procedures 4 0 0 4
CAT 212 CT Sectional-Anatomy 3 0 0 3
CAT 214 CT Pathology 3 0 0 3
CAT 215 CT Procedures 3 0 0 3
CAT 221 CT Clinical Practicum NOT AVAILABLE 2015 0 0 3 1
CAT 224 CT Clinical Practicum NOT AVAILABLE 2015 0 0 12 4
CAT 226 CT Clinical Practicum 0 0 18 6
CAT 228 CT Clinical Practicum 0 0 24 8
CAT 261 CT Exam Prep 1 0 0 1
CCT 110 Intro to Cyber Crime 3 0 0 3
CCT 112 Ethics and High Technology 3 0 0 3
CCT 121 Computer Crime Invest 3 2 0 4
CCT 231 Technology Crimes & Law 3 0 0 3
CCT 250 Network Vulnerabilities I NEW VERSION 2015 2 2 0 3
CCT 289 Capstone Project 1 6 0 3
CET 111 Computer Upgrade/Repair I 2 3 0 3
CET 211 Computer Upgrade/Repair II 2 3 0 3
CET 212 Integrated Mfg Systems 1 3 0 2
CET 222 Computer Architecture 2 0 0 2
CHI 111 Elementary Chinese I 3 0 0 3
CHI 112 Elementary Chinese II 3 0 0 3
CHI 211 Intermediate Chinese I 3 0 0 3
CHI 212 Intermediate Chinese II 3 0 0 3
CHM 090 Chemistry Concepts 4 0 0 4
CHM 130 Gen, Org, & Biochemistry 3 0 0 3
CHM 130A Gen, Org, & Biochemistry Lab 0 2 0 1
CHM 131 Introduction to Chemistry 3 0 0 3
CHM 131A Introduction to Chemistry Lab 0 3 0 1
CHM 132 Organic and Biochemistry 3 3 0 4
CHM 151 General Chemistry I 3 3 0 4
CHM 152 General Chemistry II 3 3 0 4
CHM 251 Organic Chemistry I 3 3 0 4
CHM 252 Organic Chemistry II 3 3 0 4
CHM 263 Analytical Chemistry 3 4 0 5
CIS 070 Fundamentals of Computing 0 2 0 1
CIS 110 Introduction to Computers 2 2 0 3
CIS 111 Basic PC Literacy 1 2 0 2
CIS 113 Computer Basics 0 2 0 1
CIS 115 Intro to Prog & Logic 2 3 0 3
CIS 277 Network Design & Imp 2 2 0 3
CJC 100 Basic Law Enforcement Trn 9 30 0 19
CJC 111 Intro to Criminal Justice 3 0 0 3
CJC 112 Criminology 3 0 0 3
CJC 113 Juvenile Justice 3 0 0 3
CJC 114 Investigative Photography 1 2 0 2
CJC 120 Interview/Interrogations 1 2 0 2
CJC 121 Law Enforcement Operations 3 0 0 3
CJC 122 Community Policing 3 0 0 3
CJC 131 Criminal Law 3 0 0 3
CJC 132 Court Procedure & Evidence 3 0 0 3
CJC 141 Corrections 3 0 0 3
CJC 144 Crime Scene Processing 2 3 0 3
CJC 145 Crime Scene CAD 2 3 0 3
CJC 146 Trace Evidence 2 3 0 3
CJC 151 Intro to Loss Prevention 3 0 0 3
CJC 160 Terrorism: Underlying Issues 3 0 0 3
CJC 170 Critical Incident Mgmt Pub Saf 3 0 0 3
CJC 211 Counseling 3 0 0 3
CJC 212 Ethics & Comm Relations 3 0 0 3
CJC 213 Substance Abuse 3 0 0 3
CJC 214 Victimology 3 0 0 3
CJC 215 Organization & Administration 3 0 0 3
CJC 221 Investigative Principles 3 2 0 4
CJC 222 Criminalistics 3 0 0 3
CJC 223 Organized Crime 3 0 0 3
CJC 225 Crisis Intervention 3 0 0 3
CJC 231 Constitutional Law 3 0 0 3
CJC 232 Civil Liability 3 0 0 3
CJC 233 Correctional Law 3 0 0 3
CJC 241 Community-Based Corrections 3 0 0 3
CJC 244 Footwear and Tire Imprints 2 3 0 3
CJC 245 Friction Ridge Analysis 2 3 0 3
CJC 246 Adv Friction Ridge Analys 2 3 0 3
CJC 251 Forensic Chemistry I 3 2 0 4
CJC 252 Forensic Chemistry II 3 2 0 4
CJC 260 Threat Assessment 1 2 0 2
COM 110 Introduction to Communication 3 0 0 3
COM 120 Intro Interpersonal Com 3 0 0 3
COM 231 Public Speaking 3 0 0 3
CSC 125 Intro to Parallel Program 2 2 0 3
CSC 134 C++ Programming 2 3 0 3
CSC 135 COBOL Programming 2 3 0 3
CSC 139 Visual BASIC Prog 2 3 0 3
CSC 142 Visual COBOL Prog 2 3 0 3
CSC 143 Object-Oriented Prog 2 3 0 3
CSC 151 JAVA Programming 2 3 0 3
CSC 153 C# Programming 2 3 0 3
CSC 234 Adv C++ Programming 2 3 0 3
CSC 235 Adv COBOL Programming 2 3 0 3
CSC 239 Adv Visual BASIC Prog 2 3 0 3
CSC 242 Adv Visual COBOL Prog 2 3 0 3
CSC 251 Adv JAVA Programming 2 3 0 3
CSC 253 Adv C# Programming 2 3 0 3
CSC 258 JAVA Enterprise Programs 2 3 0 3
CSC 284 Emerging Comp Prog Tech 2 3 0 3
CSC 289 Programming Capstone Proj 1 4 0 3
CTR 115 Clin Research Regulations 3 0 0 3
CTR 120 Research Protocol Design 3 0 0 3
CTR 220 Research Site Management 3 3 0 4
CTS 115 Info Sys Business Concept 3 0 0 3
CTS 118 IS Professional Comm 2 0 0 2
CTS 120 Hardware/Software Support 2 3 0 3
CTS 125 Presentation Graphics 2 2 0 3
CTS 130 Spreadsheet 2 2 0 3
CTS 155 Tech Support Functions 2 2 0 3
CTS 210 Computer Ethics 3 0 0 3
CTS 217 Computer Train/Support 2 2 0 3
CTS 220 Adv Hard/Software Support 2 3 0 3
CTS 230 Advanced Spreadsheet 2 2 0 3
CTS 240 Project Management 2 2 0 3
CTS 250 User Support & Softw Eval 2 2 0 3
CTS 255 Adv Tech Supp Functions 2 2 0 3
CTS 285 Systems Analysis & Design 3 0 0 3
CTS 286 Network Support 2 2 0 3
CTS 287 Emerging Technologies 3 0 0 3
CTS 289 System Support Project 1 4 0 3
CVS 160 CVS Clinical Ed I 0 4 9 5
CVS 161 CVS Clinical Ed II 0 0 24 8
CVS 162 CVS Clinical Ed III 0 0 15 5
CVS 163 Echo I 3 2 0 4
CVS 164 Echo II 3 2 0 4
CVS 260 CVS Clinical Ed IV 0 0 24 8
CVS 261 CVS Clinical Ed V 0 0 24 8
CVS 277 Cardiovascular Topics 2 0 0 2
CVS 279 Cardiovascular Physics 3 2 0 4
DBA 110 Database Concepts 2 3 0 3
DBA 112 Database Utilization 2 2 0 3
DBA 115 Database Applications 2 2 0 3
DBA 120 Database Programming I 2 2 0 3
DBA 210 Database Administration 2 3 0 3
DBA 220 Oracle DB Programming II 2 2 0 3
DBA 221 SQL Server DB Prog II 2 2 0 3
DBA 223 MySQL DB Programming II 2 2 0 3
DBA 230 Database in Corp Environs 3 0 0 3
DBA 240 Database Analysis/Design 2 3 0 3
DBA 260 Oracle DBMS Admin 2 2 0 3
DBA 261 SQL Server DBMS Admin 2 2 0 3
DBA 263 MySQL DBMS Admin 2 2 0 3
DBA 270 Oracle Performance Tuning 2 2 0 3
DBA 271 SQL Server Perf Tuning 2 2 0 3
DBA 273 MySQL Performance Tuning 2 2 0 3
DBA 285 Data Warehousing & Mining 2 3 0 3
DBA 289 Database Project 1 4 0 3
DDF 211 Design Process I 1 6 0 4
DDF 212 Design Process II 1 6 0 4
DDT 110 Developmental Disabilities 3 0 0 3
DDT 230 Supported Employment 3 0 0 3
DDT 240 Aging Lifelong Disability 3 0 0 3
DEA 111 Introduction to DEAT 2 2 0 3
DEA 112 2D Design & Animation I 2 3 0 3
DEA 212 2D Design & Animation II 2 3 0 3
DEA 213 3D Design & Animation I 2 3 0 3
DEA 214 3D Design & Animation II 2 3 0 3
DEA 215 3D Design & Environments 1 3 0 2
DEA 220 DEAT Compositing 2 3 0 3
DEA 221 DEAT Modeling 2 3 0 3
DEA 230 Implementation Project I 2 6 0 4
DEA 231 Implementation Project II 2 6 0 4
DEA 240 DEAT Portfolio Review 2 4 0 4
DEN 101 Preclinical Procedures 4 6 0 7
DEN 102 Dental Materials 3 4 0 5
DEN 103 Dental Sciences 2 0 0 2
DEN 104 Dental Health Education 2 2 0 3
DEN 105 Practice Management 2 0 0 2
DEN 106 Clinical Practice I 1 0 12 5
DEN 107 Clinical Practice II 1 0 12 5
DEN 110 Orofacial Anatomy 2 2 0 3
DEN 111 Infection/Hazard Control 2 0 0 2
DEN 112 Dental Radiography 2 3 0 3
DEN 120 Dental Hyg Preclinic Lec 2 0 0 2
DEN 121 Dental Hygiene Precl Lab 0 6 0 2
DEN 123 Nutrition/Dental Health 2 0 0 2
DEN 124 Periodontology 2 0 0 2
DEN 125 Dental Office Emergencies 0 2 0 1
DEN 130 Dental Hygiene Theory I 2 0 0 2
DEN 131 Dental Hygiene Clinic I 0 0 9 3
DEN 140 Dental Hygiene Theory II 1 0 0 1
DEN 141 Dental Hygiene Clinic II 0 0 6 2
DEN 220 Dental Hygiene Theory III 2 0 0 2
DEN 221 Dental Hygiene Clinic III 0 0 12 4
DEN 222 General & Oral Pathology 2 0 0 2
DEN 223 Dental Pharmacology 2 0 0 2
DEN 224 Materials and Procedures 1 3 0 2
DEN 230 Dental Hygiene Theory IV 1 0 0 1
DEN 231 Dental Hygiene Clinic IV 0 0 12 4
DEN 232 Community Dental Health 2 0 3 3
DEN 233 Professional Development 2 0 0 2
DES 112 Bldg/Construc Sys NEW 2015 3 0 0 3
DES 125 Visual Presentation I NEW VERSION 2015 0 6 0 2
DES 135 Prin & Elem of Design I NEW VERSION 2015 2 4 0 4
DES 136 Prin & Elem of Design II NEW VERSION 2015 2 4 0 4
DES 210 Professional Practices/Int Des NEW VERSION 2015 2 0 0 2
DES 220 Interior Design Fundamentals NEW VERSION 2015 1 6 0 3
DES 225 Textiles for Interiors NEW VERSION 2015 2 2 0 3
DES 230 Residential Design I NEW VERSION 2015 1 6 0 3
DES 235 Products NEW VERSION 2015 2 2 0 3
DES 238 Sustainable Interiors NEW VERSION 2015 2 2 0 3
DES 240 Commercial/Contract Design I NEW VERSION 2015 1 6 0 3
DES 241 Comm/Contract Design II 1 6 0 3
DES 255 History of Interiors & Furn I NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
DES 256 History of Interiors & Furn II NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
DES 260 Materials Calc/Int Design 3 0 0 3
DES 265 Lighting/Interior Design NEW VERSION 2015 1 2 0 2
DES 275 Furniture Design & Const NEW 2015 2 2 0 3
DES 276 Showroom & Gallery Design 1 6 0 3
DES 280 Codes & Standards/Interior Des NEW 2015 3 0 0 3
DES 285 Capstone/Interior Design 2 6 0 4
DFT 119 Basic CAD 1 2 0 2
DFT 121 Intro to GD & T 1 2 0 2
DFT 152 CAD II 2 3 0 3
DFT 154 Intro Solid Modeling 2 3 0 3
DFT 254 Interme Solid Model/Render 2 3 0 3
DMA 010 Operations With Integers .75 .50 0 1
DMA 020 Fractions and Decimals .75 .50 0 1
DMA 030 Propor/Ratio/Rate/Percent .75 .50 0 1
DMA 040 Express/Lin Equat/Inequal .75 .50 0 1
DMA 050 Graphs/Equations of Lines .75 .50 0 1
DMA 060 Polynomial/Quadratic Appl NEW VERSION .75 .50 0 1
DMA 070 Rational Express/Equation NEW VERSION .75 .50 0 1
DMA 080 Radical Express/Equations NEW VERSION .75 .50 0 1
DRA 111 Theatre Appreciation 3 0 0 3
DRA 112 Literature of the Theatre 3 0 0 3
DRA 120 Voice for Performance 3 0 0 3
DRA 130 Acting I 0 6 0 3
DRA 131 Acting II 0 6 0 3
DRA 132 Stage Movement NEW 2015 2 2 0 3
DRA 140 Stagecraft I 0 6 0 3
DRA 141 Stagecraft II 0 6 0 3
DRA 142 Costuming 2 2 0 3
DRA 170 Play Production I 0 9 0 3
DRA 171 Play Production II 0 9 0 3
DRA 240 Lighting for the Theatre 2 2 0 3
DRA 260 Directing 0 6 0 3
DRE 096 Integrated Reading and Writing 2.50 1.00 0 3
DRE 097 Integrated Reading Writing II 2.50 1.00 0 3
DRE 098 Integrated Reading Writing III 2.50 1.00 0 3
ECO 151 Survey of Economics 3 0 0 3
ECO 251 Prin of Microeconomics 3 0 0 3
ECO 252 Prin of Macroeconomics 3 0 0 3
EDU 114 Intro to Family Childcare 3 0 0 3
EDU 118 Princ & Prac of Inst Asst 3 0 0 3
EDU 119 Intro to Early Child Educ NEW VERSION 2015 4 0 0 4
EDU 131 Child, Family, & Commun 3 0 0 3
EDU 144 Child Development I 3 0 0 3
EDU 145 Child Development II 3 0 0 3
EDU 146 Child Guidance 3 0 0 3
EDU 151 Creative Activities 3 0 0 3
EDU 152 Music, Movement & Lang 3 0 0 3
EDU 153 Health, Safety & Nutrit 3 0 0 3
EDU 154 Social/Emotion/Behav Dev 3 0 0 3
EDU 157 Active Play 2 2 0 3
EDU 158 Healthy Lifestyles-Youth 3 0 0 3
EDU 161 Intro to Exceptional Chil 3 0 0 3
EDU 162 Observ & Assess in ECE 3 0 0 3
EDU 163 Classroom Mgt & Instruct 3 0 0 3
EDU 173 Becoming a Prof'l in ECE 3 0 0 3
EDU 214 Early Child Interm Pract 1 9 0 4
EDU 216 Foundations of Education 4 0 0 4
EDU 220 Prog Poli in Early Interv 3 0 0 3
EDU 221 Children with Exceptional 3 0 0 3
EDU 222 Learn w/ Behav Disord 3 0 0 3
EDU 223 Specific Learning Disab 3 0 0 3
EDU 234 Infants, Toddlers, & Twos 3 0 0 3
EDU 235 School-Age Dev & Program 3 0 0 3
EDU 243 Learning Theory 3 0 0 3
EDU 244 Human Growth/Development 3 0 0 3
EDU 245 Policies & Procedures 3 0 0 3
EDU 247 Sensory & Physical Disab 3 0 0 3
EDU 248 Developmental Delays 3 0 0 3
EDU 250 PRAXIS I Preparation 1 0 0 1
EDU 252 Math & Sci Activities 3 0 0 3
EDU 256 Inst Strat/Social Studies 2 2 0 3
EDU 257 Inst Strat/Math 2 2 0 3
EDU 258 Inst Stratigies/Science 2 2 0 3
EDU 259 Curriculum Planning 3 0 0 3
EDU 261 Early Childhood Admin I 3 0 0 3
EDU 262 Early Childhood Admin II 3 0 0 3
EDU 263 School-Age Program Admin 2 0 0 2
EDU 271 Educational Technology 2 2 0 3
EDU 275 Effective Teach Train 2 0 0 2
EDU 280 Language & Literacy Exp 3 0 0 3
EDU 281 Instruc Strat/Read & Writ 2 2 0 3
EDU 282 Early Childhood Lit 3 0 0 3
EDU 284 Early Child Capstone Prac 1 9 0 4
EDU 285 Internship Exp-School Age 1 0 9 4
EDU 287 Leadership/Early Child Ed 3 0 0 3
EDU 289 Adv Issues/School Age 2 0 0 2
EGR 125 Appl Software for Tech NEW REQUISITE 1 2 0 2
EGR 131 Intro to Electronics Tech 1 2 0 2
EGR 150 Intro to Engineering NEW 2015 1 2 0 2
EGR 210 Intro to Elec/Comp Eng Lab NEW 2015 1 3 0 2
EGR 212 Logic System Design I NEW 2015 3 0 0 3
EGR 215 Network Theory I NEW 2015 3 0 0 3
EGR 216 Logic and Network Lab NEW 2015 0 3 0 1
EGR 220 Engineering Statics NEW 2015 3 0 0 3
EGR 225 Engineering Dynamics NEW 2015 3 0 0 3
EGR 228 Intro to Solid Mechanics NEW 2015 3 0 0 3
EGR 250 Statics/Strength of Mater 4 3 0 5
EGR 251 Statics 2 2 0 3
EGR 252 Strength of Materials 2 2 0 3
EHS 114 OSHA Regulations 4 0 0 4
EHS 215 Incident Management 3 2 0 4
ELC 111 Intro to Electricity 2 2 0 3
ELC 112 DC/AC Electricity 3 6 0 5
ELC 113 Residential Wiring 2 6 0 4
ELC 114 Commericial Wiring 2 6 0 4
ELC 115 Industrial Wiring 2 6 0 4
ELC 117 Motors and Controls 2 6 0 4
ELC 118 National Electrical Code 1 2 0 2
ELC 125 Diagrams and Schematics 1 2 0 2
ELC 127 Software for Technicians 1 3 0 2
ELC 128 Intro to PLC 2 3 0 3
ELC 131 Circuit Analysis I 3 3 0 4
ELC 131A Circuit Analysis I Lab 0 3 0 1
ELC 220 Photovoltaic Sys Tech 2 3 0 3
ELC 228 PLC Applications 2 6 0 4
ELC 233 Energy Management 2 2 0 3
ELN 112 Diesel Electronics System 2 6 0 4
ELN 131 Analog Electronics I 3 3 0 4
ELN 132 Analog Electronics II 3 3 0 4
ELN 133 Digital Electronics 3 3 0 4
ELN 229 Industrial Electronics 3 3 0 4
ELN 232 Intro to Microprocessors 3 3 0 4
ELN 233 Microprocessor Systems 3 3 0 4
ELN 237 Local Area Networks 2 3 0 3
ELN 238 Advanced LANs 2 3 0 3
ELN 260 Prog Logic Controllers 3 3 0 4
EMS 110 EMT 6 6 0 8
EMS 115 Defense Tactics for EMS 1 3 0 2
EMS 122 EMS Clinical Practicum I 0 0 3 1
EMS 125 EMS Instructor Methodology 1 2 0 2
EMS 130 Pharmacology 3 3 0 4
EMS 131 Advanced Airway Management 1 2 0 2
EMS 140 Rescue Scene Management 1 3 0 2
EMS 150 Emergency Vehicles & EMS Comm 1 3 0 2
EMS 160 Cardiology I 1 3 0 2
EMS 220 Cardiology II 2 3 0 3
EMS 221 EMS Clinical Practicum II 0 0 6 2
EMS 231 EMS Clinical Pract III 0 0 9 3
EMS 235 EMS Management 2 0 0 2
EMS 240 Patients W/ Special Challenges 1 2 0 2
EMS 241 EMS Clinical Practicum IV 0 0 12 4
EMS 250 Medical Emergencies 3 3 0 4
EMS 260 Trauma Emergencies 1 3 0 2
EMS 270 Life Span Emergencies 2 3 0 3
EMS 285 EMS Capstone 1 3 0 2
ENG 101 Applied Communications I 3 0 0 3
ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry 3 0 0 3
ENG 111A Writing and Inquiry Lab 0 2 0 1
ENG 112 Writing/Research in the Disc 3 0 0 3
ENG 113 Literature-Based Research 3 0 0 3
ENG 114 Prof Research & Reporting 3 0 0 3
ENG 115 Oral Communication 3 0 0 3
ENG 125 Creative Writing I 3 0 0 3
ENG 126 Creative Writing II 3 0 0 3
ENG 131 Introduction to Literature 3 0 0 3
ENG 231 American Literature I 3 0 0 3
ENG 232 American Literature II 3 0 0 3
ENG 233 Major American Writers 3 0 0 3
ENG 241 British Literature I 3 0 0 3
ENG 242 British Literature II 3 0 0 3
ENG 261 World Literature I 3 0 0 3
ENG 262 World Literature II 3 0 0 3
ENG 273 African-American Literature 3 0 0 3
ENG 275 Science Fiction 3 0 0 3
ENV 110 Environmental Science 3 0 0 3
ENV 212 Instrumentation 3 0 0 4
ENV 214 Water Quality 3 2 0 4
ENV 218 Environmental Health 3 0 0 3
ENV 222 Air Quality 3 2 0 4
ENV 226 Environmental Law 3 0 0 3
ENV 228 Environmental Issues 1 0 0 1
ENV 232 Site Assessment and Remediation 2 3 0 3
EPT 120 Sociology of Disaster 3 0 0 3
EPT 124 EM Services Law & Ethics 3 0 0 3
EPT 130 Mitigation & Preparedness 3 0 0 3
EPT 140 Emergency Management 3 0 0 3
EPT 150 Incident Management 3 0 0 3
EPT 210 Response & Recovery 3 0 0 3
EPT 220 Terrorism and Emer Mgt 3 0 0 3
EPT 275 Emergency OPS Center Mgt 3 0 0 3
ETR 215 Law for Entrepreneurs 3 0 0 3
ETR 220 Innovation and Creativity 3 0 0 3
ETR 230 Entrepreneur Marketing 3 0 0 3
ETR 240 Funding for Entrepreneurs 3 0 0 3
ETR 270 Entrepreneurship Issues 3 0 0 3
FIP 120 Intro to Fire Protection 3 0 0 3
FIP 124 Fire Prevention & Public Ed 3 0 0 3
FIP 128 Detection & Investigation 3 0 0 3
FIP 132 Building Construction 3 0 0 3
FIP 136 Inspections & Codes 3 0 0 3
FIP 140 Industrial Fire Protect 3 0 0 3
FIP 144 Sprinklers & Auto Alarms 2 2 0 3
FIP 146 Fire Protection Systems 3 2 0 4
FIP 148 Fixed & Port Exting Sys 2 2 0 3
FIP 152 Fire Protection Law 3 0 0 3
FIP 160 Fire Protection/Elec 2 0 0 2
FIP 160A Fire Protection/Elec Lab 0 2 0 1
FIP 164 OSHA Standards 3 0 0 3
FIP 176 HazMat: Operations 4 0 0 4
FIP 180 Wildland Fire Behavior 3 0 0 3
FIP 188 Intro to Wildland Fires 3 2 0 4
FIP 220 Fire Fighting Strategies 3 0 0 3
FIP 221 Adv Fire Fighting Strat 3 0 0 3
FIP 224 Fire Instructor I & II 4 0 0 4
FIP 228 Local Govt Finance 3 0 0 3
FIP 230 Chem of Hazardous Mat I 5 0 0 5
FIP 231 Chem of Hazardous Mat II 4 2 0 5
FIP 232 Hydraulics & Water Dist 2 2 0 3
FIP 240 Fire Service Supervision 3 0 0 3
FIP 244 Fire Protection Project 3 0 0 3
FIP 248 Fire Svc Personnel Adm 3 0 0 3
FIP 256 Munic Public Relations 3 0 0 3
FIP 264 Flame Prop & Mat Rating 1 4 0 3
FIP 276 Managing Fire Services 3 0 0 3
FRE 111 Elementary French I 3 0 0 3
FRE 112 Elementary Frech II 3 0 0 3
GEL 111 Geology 3 2 0 4
GEL 113 Historical Geology 3 2 0 4
GEL 120 Physical Geology 3 2 0 4
GEL 230 Environmental Geology 3 2 0 4
GEO 110 Introduction to Geography 3 0 0 3
GEO 111 World Regional Geography 3 0 0 3
GEO 112 Cultural Geography 3 0 0 3
GEO 130 General Physical Geography 3 0 0 3
GEO 131 Physical Geography I 3 2 0 4
GIS 110 Survey of GIS/GPS 1 0 0 1
GIS 111 Introduction to GIS 2 2 0 3
GIS 211 GIS/GPS Project 1 2 0 2
GIS 230 GIS Data Creation 2 2 0 3
GRA 110 Graphic Arts Orientation 2 0 0 2
GRA 112 Graphics Problem Solving 2 0 0 2
GRA 121 Graphic Arts I 2 4 0 4
GRA 130 Print Career Exploration 1 0 0 1
GRA 151 Computer Graphics I 1 3 0 2
GRA 152 Computer Graphics II 1 3 0 2
GRA 153 Computer Graphics III 1 3 0 2
GRA 154 Computer Graphics IV 1 3 0 2
GRA 161 Computer Graphics Apps I 0 3 0 1
GRA 162 Computer Graphics Apps II 0 3 0 1
GRA 163 Computer Graphics Apps III 0 3 0 1
GRA 164 Computer Graphics Apps IV 0 3 0 1
GRA 221 Graphic Arts II 2 4 0 4
GRA 222 Graphic Arts III 2 4 0 4
GRA 255 Image Manipulation I 1 3 0 2
GRA 256 Image Manipulation II 1 3 0 2
GRA 257 Image Manipulation III 1 3 0 2
GRD 141 Graphic Design I 2 4 0 4
GRD 265 Digital Print Production 1 4 0 3
GRD 271 Multimedia Design I 1 3 0 2
GRO 120 Gerontology 3 0 0 3
GRO 150 Substance Use and Aging 3 0 0 3
GRO 220 Psy/Soc Aspects of Aging 3 0 0 3
GRO 230 Health, Wellness & Nutrit 3 2 0 4
GRO 240 Gerontology Care Managing 3 0 0 3
GRO 250 Aging Policies Programs & Serv 2 0 0 2
HBI 110 Issues and Trends in HBI 3 0 0 3
HBI 113 Survey of Med Insurance 3 0 0 3
HBI 210 Intro to Health Info Net 2 3 0 3
HBI 230 Infra & App Supp in Healthcare 2 3 0 3
HBI 250 Data Mgmt and Utilization 2 2 0 3
HBI 289 HBI Project 1 4 0 3
HEA 110 Personal Health/Wellness 3 0 0 3
HET 110 Diesel Engines 3 9 0 6
HET 114 Power Trains 3 6 0 5
HET 119 Mechanical Transmissions 2 2 0 3
HET 125 Preventive Maintenance 1 3 0 2
HET 218 Tractor Project 1 12 0 5
HET 230 Air Brakes 1 2 0 2
HET 233 Suspension and Steering 2 4 0 4
HIS 111 World Civilizations I 3 0 0 3
HIS 112 World Civilizations II 3 0 0 3
HIS 115 Intro to Global History 3 0 0 3
HIS 121 Western Civilization I 3 0 0 3
HIS 122 Western Civilization II 3 0 0 3
HIS 131 American History I 3 0 0 3
HIS 132 American History II 3 0 0 3
HIS 151 Hispanic Civilization 3 0 0 3
HIS 221 African-American History 3 0 0 3
HIS 231 Recent American History 3 0 0 3
HMT 110 Intro to Healthcare Mgt 3 0 0 3
HMT 210 Medical Insurance 3 0 0 3
HMT 211 Long-Term Care Admin 3 0 0 3
HMT 212 Mgt of Healthcare Org 3 0 0 3
HMT 220 Healthcare Financial Mgmt 4 0 0 4
HOR 112 Landscape Design I 2 3 0 3
HOR 114 Landscape Construction 2 2 0 3
HOR 116 Landscape Management I 2 2 0 3
HOR 118 Equipment Op & Maint 1 3 0 2
HOR 134 Greenhouse Operations 2 2 0 3
HOR 142 Fruit & Vegetable Prod NEW 2015 1 2 0 2
HOR 150 Intro to Horticulture 2 0 0 2
HOR 152 Horticulture Practices 0 3 0 1
HOR 154 Intro to Hort Therapy 2 4 0 4
HOR 160 Plant Materials I 2 2 0 3
HOR 161 Plant Materials II NEW VERSION 2015 2 2 0 3
HOR 162 Applied Plant Science 2 2 0 3
HOR 164 Hort Pest Management 2 2 0 3
HOR 166 Soils & Fertilizers 2 2 0 3
HOR 168 Plant Propagation 2 2 0 3
HOR 170 Hort Computer Apps 1 3 0 2
HOR 213 Landscape Design II 2 2 0 3
HOR 215 Landscape Irrigation 2 2 0 3
HOR 225 Nursery Production 2 2 0 3
HOR 235 Greenhouse Production 2 2 0 3
HOR 245 Horticulture Speciality Crops 2 2 0 3
HOR 251 Insects & Diseases 2 2 0 3
HOR 255 Interiorscapes 1 2 0 2
HOR 257 Arboriculture Practices 1 3 0 2
HOR 265 Adv Plant Materials 1 2 0 2
HOR 271 Garden Center Mgmt 2 0 0 2
HOR 273 Hor Mgmt & Marketing 3 0 0 3
HSE 110 Intro to Human Services 2 2 0 3
HSE 112 Group Process I 1 2 0 2
HSE 123 Interviewing Techniques 2 2 0 3
HSE 125 Counseling 2 2 0 3
HSE 127 Conflict Resolution 2 2 0 3
HSE 150 Preventive Intervention 1 2 0 2
HSE 155 Community Resources Mgt 2 0 0 2
HSE 210 Human Services Issues 2 0 0 2
HSE 220 Case Management 2 2 0 3
HSE 225 Crisis Intervention 3 0 0 3
HSE 240 Issues in Client Services 3 0 0 3
HSE 242 Family Systems 3 0 0 3
HSE 245 Stress Management 2 2 0 3
HSE 250 Financial Services 2 0 0 2
HSE 251 Activities Planning 2 2 0 3
HSE 255 Health Prob & Prevent 2 2 0 3
HUM 110 Technology and Society 3 0 0 3
HUM 115 Critical Thinking 3 0 0 3
HUM 120 Cultural Studies 3 0 0 3
HUM 121 The Nature of America 3 0 0 3
HUM 130 Myth in Human Culture 3 0 0 3
HUM 150 American Women's Studies 3 0 0 3
HUM 160 Introduction to Film 2 2 0 3
HUM 161 Advanced Film Studies 2 2 0 3
HUM 170 The Holocaust 3 0 0 3
HUM 220 Human Values and Meaning 3 0 0 3
HUM 230 Leadership Development 3 0 0 3
HYD 110 Hydraulics/Pneumatics I 2 3 0 3
HYD 112 Hydraulics/Med/Heavy Duty 1 2 0 2
HYD 115 Industrial Hydraulics 2 2 0 3
ICV 110 Patient Care/Fundamentals 2 2 0 3
ICV 111 ICV Electrocardiography 0 3 0 1
ICV 112 ICV Ionizing Radiation Effects 2 0 0 2
ICV 113 ICV Neurovascular Procedures 1 2 0 2
ICV 118 Cardiology Procedures I 1 2 0 2
ICV 120 ICV Clinical Education I 0 0 6 2
ICV 125 ICV Clinical Education II 0 0 12 4
ICV 130 ICV Clinical Education III 0 0 12 4
ICV 212 ICV Imaging Physics 2 2 0 3
ICV 216 ICV Pharmacology 3 0 0 3
ICV 217 Inter Equip & Supplies 2 2 0 3
ICV 218 Cardiology Procedures II 1 2 0 2
ICV 219 Vascular Physiology & Proc 3 0 0 3
ICV 220 ICV Clinical Education IV 0 0 24 8
ICV 230 ICV Clinical Education V 0 0 24 8
ICV 241 ICV Pathology Review 2 0 0 2
ICV 261 ICV Cardiac Exam Prep 1 0 0 1
ICV 262 ICV Vascular Exam Prep 1 0 0 1
IEC 168 Global Operations 3 0 0 3
IEC 225 International Shipping NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
IEC 226 Intro to Export Admin Reg NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
IEC 227 Elec Import/Export Doc NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
IEC 228 Importing NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
IEC 229 Intl Trans Reg Compliance 3 0 0 3
IMG 110 Fundamentals of Imag I 2 0 6 4
IMG 111 Fundamentals of Imag II 2 0 6 4
IMG 120 Patient Care Medical Imag 1 2 0 2
IMG 130 Imaging Ethics & Law 3 0 0 3
INT 110 International Business NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
INT 115 Global Communications 3 0 0 3
INT 180 Travel Study Abroad 3 0 0 3
INT 210 International Trade NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
INT 220 International Economics NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
INT 230 International Law NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
ISC 112 Industrial Safety 2 0 0 2
ISC 113 Industrial Specifications 1 0 0 1
ISC 115 Construction Safety 2 0 0 2
ISC 131 Quality Management 3 0 0 3
ISC 135 Principles of Industrial Mgmt 4 0 0 4
JOU 110 Intro to Journalism 3 0 0 3
JOU 216 Writing for Mass Media 2 2 0 3
JOU 217 Feature/Editorial Writing 2 2 0 3
LAR 111 Intro to Landscp Arc Tech NEW 2015 1 6 0 3
LAR 113 Res Landscape Design NEW 2015 1 6 0 3
LAR 235 LAR Presentation Tech NEW 2015 2 3 0 3
LEX 110 Intro to Paralegal Study 2 0 0 2
LEX 120 Legal Research/Writing I 2 2 0 3
LEX 121 Legal Research/Writing II 2 2 0 3
LEX 130 Civil Injuries 3 0 0 3
LEX 140 Civil Litigation I 3 0 0 3
LEX 141 Civil Litigation II 2 2 0 3
LEX 150 Commercial Law I 2 2 0 3
LEX 151 Commercial Law II 3 0 0 3
LEX 160 Criminal Law & Procedure 2 2 0 3
LEX 210 Real Property I 3 0 0 3
LEX 211 Real Property II 1 4 0 3
LEX 214 Investigat & Trial Prep 1 4 0 3
LEX 220 Corporate Law 2 0 0 2
LEX 240 Family Law 3 0 0 3
LEX 250 Wills, Estates, & Trusts 2 2 0 3
LEX 260 Bankruptcy & Collections 3 0 0 3
LEX 270 Law Office Mgt/Technology 1 2 0 2
LEX 280 Ethics & Professionalism 2 0 0 2
LEX 283 Investigation 1 2 0 2
LEX 286 Medical Evidence Analysis 1 2 0 2
LOG 110 Introduction to Logistics 3 0 0 3
LOG 120 Global Logistics 3 0 0 3
LOG 125 Transportation Logistics 3 0 0 3
LOG 210 Fleet Management 3 0 0 3
LOG 211 Distribution Management NEW 2015 2 2 0 3
LOG 215 Supply Chain Management 3 0 0 3
LOG 220 Logistics Management 3 0 0 3
LOG 230 Transportation Management 3 0 0 3
LOG 235 Import/Export Management 3 0 0 3
LOG 240 Purchasing Logistics 3 0 0 3
LOG 250 Advanced Global Logistics 3 2 0 4
LSG 111 Basic Landscape Technique 2 0 0 2
LSG 121 Fall Gardening Lab 0 6 0 2
LSG 122 Spring Gardening Lab 0 6 0 2
LSG 123 Summer Gardening Lab 0 6 0 2
MAC 111 Machining Technology I 2 12 0 6
MAC 111A Machining Technology IA 1 6 0 3
MAC 111B Machining Technology IB 1 6 0 3
MAC 112 Machining Technology II 2 12 0 6
MAC 112A Machining Technology IIA 1 6 0 3
MAC 112B Machining Technology IIB 1 6 0 3
MAC 113 Machining Technology III 2 12 0 6
MAC 121 Intro to CNC 2 0 0 2
MAC 122 CNC Turning 1 3 0 2
MAC 124 CNC Milling 1 3 0 2
MAC 151 Machining Calculations 1 2 0 2
MAC 152 Adv Machining Calc 1 2 0 2
MAC 214 Machining Technology IV NOT AVAILABLE 2015 2 12 0 6
MAC 222 Advanced CNC Turning 1 3 0 2
MAC 224 Advanced CNC Milling 1 3 0 2
MAC 226 CNC EDM Machining 1 3 0 2
MAC 233 Appl in CNC Machining 2 12 0 6
MAC 234 Adv Multi-Axis Machin 2 3 0 3
MAC 241 Jigs & Fixtures I NOT AVAILABLE 2015 2 6 0 4
MAC 247 Production Tooling 2 0 0 2
MAT 001 Math Skills Support NEW 2015 0 2 0 1
MAT 110 Mathematical Measurement and Literacy 2 2 0 3
MAT 121 Algebra/Trigonometry I 2 2 0 3
MAT 122 Algebra/Trigonometry II 2 2 0 3
MAT 143 Quantitative Literacy 2 2 0 3
MAT 152 Statistical Methods I 3 2 0 4
MAT 171 Precalculus Algebra 3 2 0 4
MAT 172 Precalculus Trigonometry 3 2 0 4
MAT 223 Applied Calculus 2 2 0 3
MAT 263 Brief Calculus 3 2 0 4
MAT 271 Calculus I 3 2 0 4
MAT 272 Calculus II 3 2 0 4
MAT 273 Calculus III 3 2 0 4
MAT 280 Linear Algebra 2 2 0 3
MAT 285 Differential Equations 2 2 0 3
MCM 111 Motorcycle Mechanics 3 8 0 7
MCM 112 Motorcycle Transmissions 3 8 0 7
MCM 114 Motorcycle Fuel Systems 2 6 0 5
MCM 115 Motorcycle Chassis 1 6 0 3
MCM 116 Troubleshooting 2 6 0 4
MCM 117 Motorcycle Dyno Tuning I 1 4 0 3
MCM 122 Motorcycle Engines 2 9 0 5
MEC 110 Intro to CAD/CAM 1 2 0 2
MEC 111 Machine Processes I 1 4 0 3
MEC 112 Machine Processes II 2 3 0 3
MEC 130 Mechanisms 2 2 0 3
MEC 142 Physical Metallurgy 1 2 0 2
MEC 145 Mfg Materials I 2 3 0 3
MEC 161 Manufacturing Processes I 3 0 0 3
MEC 161A Manufacturing Proc I Lab 0 3 0 1
MEC 231 Comp-Aided Manufact I 1 4 0 3
MEC 232 Comp-Aided Manufact II 1 4 0 3
MEC 275 Engineering Mechanisms 2 2 0 3
MEC 276 Capstone Design Project 0 3 0 1
MED 110 Orientation to Med Assist 1 0 0 1
MED 116 Introduction to A & P 3 2 0 4
MED 118 Medical Law and Ethics 2 0 0 2
MED 121 Medical Terminology I 3 0 0 3
MED 122 Medical Terminology II 3 0 0 3
MED 130 Admin Office Proc I 1 2 0 2
MED 131 Admin Office Proc II 1 2 0 2
MED 140 Exam Room Procedures I 3 4 0 5
MED 150 Laboratory Procedures I 3 4 0 5
MED 183 Electronic Med Records I 3 2 3 5
MED 232 Medical Insurance Coding 1 3 0 2
MED 240 Exam Room Procedures II 3 4 0 5
MED 260 MED Clinical Practicum 0 0 15 5
MED 262 Clinical Perspectives 1 0 0 1
MED 270 Symptomatology 2 2 0 3
MED 272 Drug Therapy 3 0 0 3
MED 276 Patient Education 1 2 0 2
MKT 120 Principles of Marketing NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
MKT 123 Fundamentals of Selling NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
MKT 223 Customer Service 3 0 0 3
MKT 224 International Marketing 3 0 0 3
MKT 228 Service Marketing 3 0 0 3
MNT 110 Intro to Maint Procedures 1 3 0 2
MNT 111 Maintenance Practices 2 2 0 3
MNT 130 Control Systems 2 4 0 4
MNT 131 Metalworking Processes 2 3 0 3
MNT 160 Industrial Fabrication 1 3 0 2
MRI 210 MRI Physics and Equipment 3 0 0 3
MRI 211 MRI Procedures 4 0 0 4
MRI 212 MR Cardiac Physics & Proc 4 0 0 4
MRI 213 MRI Patient Care & Safety 2 0 0 2
MRI 214 MRI Procedures I 2 0 0 2
MRI 215 MRI Procedures II 2 0 0 2
MRI 216 MRI Instrumentation 2 0 0 2
MRI 217 MRI Physics I 2 0 0 2
MRI 218 MRI Physics II 2 0 0 2
MRI 223 MRI Clinical Practicum 0 0 9 3
MRI 224 MRI Clinical Practicum 0 0 12 4
MRI 225 MRI Clinical Practicum 0 0 15 5
MRI 226 MRI Clinical Practicum 0 0 18 6
MRI 227 MRI Clinical Practicum 0 0 21 7
MRI 228 MRI Clinical Practicum 0 0 24 8
MRI 231 MRI Clinical Practicum 0 0 33 11
MRI 240 Quality Assurance 2 0 0 2
MRI 241 MRI Anatomy & Path I 2 0 0 2
MRI 242 MRI Anatomy & Path II 2 0 0 2
MRI 250 MRI Clinical Ed I 0 0 12 4
MRI 260 MRI Clinical Ed II 0 0 21 7
MRI 270 MRI Clinical Ed III 0 0 24 8
MRI 271 MRI Capstone 1 0 0 1
MTH 110 Fundamentals of Massage 6 9 3 10
MTH 110A Fundamentals of Massage 3 6 0 5
MTH 110B Fundamentals of Massage 3 3 3 5
MTH 120 Ther Massage Applications 6 9 3 10
MTH 120A Ther Massage Applications 3 6 0 5
MTH 120B Ther Massage Applications 3 3 3 5
MTH 121 Clinical Supplement I 0 0 3 1
MTH 125 Ethics of Massage 2 0 0 2
MTH 130 Therapeutic Massage Mgmt 2 0 0 2
MTH 180 Massage Bridging Course 2 3 0 3
MTH 210 Adv Skills of Massage 4 9 3 8
MTH 220 Outcome-Based Massage 4 6 3 7
MTH 221 Clinical Supplement II 0 0 6 2
MUS 110 Music Appreciation 3 0 0 3
MUS 111 Fundamentals of Music 3 0 0 3
MUS 112 Introduction to Jazz 3 0 0 3
MUS 121 Music Theory I 3 2 0 4
MUS 122 Music Theory II 3 2 0 4
MUS 123 Music Composition 0 2 0 1
MUS 131 Chorus I 0 2 0 1
MUS 132 Chorus II 0 2 0 1
MUS 141 Ensemble I NEW 2015 0 2 0 1
MUS 142 Ensemble II NEW 2015 0 2 0 1
MUS 210 History of Rock Music 3 0 0 3
MUS 211 History of Country Music 3 0 0 3
MUS 212 American Musical Theatre 3 0 0 3
NAN 111 Intro to Nanotechnology 3 0 0 3
NAN 112 Fund of Nanosci 3 0 0 3
NAN 113 Nano Instrument Basics 1 3 0 2
NAN 131 Nano Safety Practices 2 0 0 2
NAN 132 Nano Regulations & Ethics NEW VERSION 2015 2 0 0 2
NAN 241 Nanofabrication NEW VERSION 2015 3 2 0 4
NAN 242 Nanofab of Thin Films 3 2 0 4
NAN 243 Nanocharacterization NEW VERSION 2015 3 2 0 4
NAN 244 Electron Microscopy 3 2 0 4
NAN 251 Biological AFM Microscopy 3 2 0 4
NAN 252 Spectroscopic Methods 3 2 0 4
NAN 253 Nano Electronics 3 2 0 4
NET 110 Networking Concepts 2 2 0 3
NET 125 Networking Basics 1 4 0 3
NET 126 Routing Basics 1 4 0 3
NET 175 Wireless Technology 2 2 0 3
NET 225 Routing & Switching I 1 4 0 3
NET 226 Routing & Switching II 1 4 0 3
NET 240 Network Design 3 0 0 3
NET 270 Building Scalable Netwks 1 4 0 3
NET 271 Remote Access Networks 1 4 0 3
NET 272 Multi-Layer Networks 1 4 0 3
NET 273 Internetworking Support 1 4 0 3
NET 289 Networking Project 1 4 0 3
NMT 110 Intro to Nuclear Medicine 2 0 0 2
NMT 110A Intro to Nuc Med Lab 0 3 0 1
NMT 126 Nuclear Physics 2 0 0 2
NMT 128 Stats for Nuc Med Tech 1 3 0 2
NMT 132 Overview-Clinical Nuc Med 2 0 6 4
NMT 134 Nuclear Pharmacy 2 0 0 2
NMT 136 Health Physics 2 0 0 2
NMT 211 NMT Clinical Practice I 0 0 21 7
NMT 212 Proc for Nuclear Med I 2 0 0 2
NMT 212A Proc for Nuc Med I Lab 0 3 0 1
NMT 214 Radiobiology 2 0 0 2
NMT 215 Non-Imaging Instrumentation 1 3 0 2
NMT 218 Computers in Nuc Med 2 0 0 2
NMT 221 NM Clinical Practice II 0 0 21 7
NMT 222 Proc for Nuclear Med II 2 0 0 2
NMT 222A Proc for Nuc Med II Lab 0 3 0 1
NMT 225 Imaging Instrumentation 1 3 0 2
NMT 289 Nuc Med Tech Topics 2 3 0 3
NOS 110 Operating System Concepts 2 3 0 3
NOS 120 Linux/UNIX Single User 2 2 0 3
NOS 130 Windows Single User 2 2 0 3
NOS 149 Operating Systems -MVS* 2 2 0 3
NOS 220 Linux/UNIX Admin I 2 2 0 3
NOS 221 Linux/UNIX Admin II 2 2 0 3
NOS 222 Linux/UNIX Admin III 2 2 0 3
NOS 230 Windows Admin I 2 2 0 3
NOS 231 Windows Admin II 2 2 0 3
NOS 232 Windows Admin III 2 2 0 3
NOS 244 Operatin System - AS/400 2 2 0 3
NPO 110 Intro to Nonprofit Mgmt 3 0 0 3
NPO 111 Governance & Leadership 3 0 0 3
NPO 115 Nonprofit Financial Mgmt 3 0 0 3
NPO 120 Fundraising/Stewardship 3 0 0 3
NPO 210 Volunteer Management 3 0 0 3
NPO 215 NPO Advocacy & Public Pol 3 0 0 3
NPO 220 NPO Legal Issues/Principl 3 0 0 3
NPO 225 Community Engagement 3 0 0 3
NPO 230 Social Innovation 3 0 0 3
NPO 235 NPO Strategic Planning 3 0 0 3
NPO 240 International NGOs 3 0 0 3
NPO 245 Comm Ptnrs/Collaboration 3 0 0 3
NUR 101 Practical Nursing I NEW VERSION 2015 7 6 6 11
NUR 102 Practical Nursing II NEW VERSION 2015 7 0 9 10
NUR 103 Practical Nursing III NEW VERSION 2015 6 0 9 9
NUR 111 Intro to Health Concepts 4 6 6 8
NUR 112 Health-Illness Concepts 3 0 6 5
NUR 113 Family Health Concepts 3 0 6 5
NUR 114 Holistic Health Concepts 3 0 6 5
NUR 211 Health Care Concepts 3 0 6 5
NUR 212 Health System Concepts 3 0 6 5
NUR 213 Complex Health Concepts 4 3 15 10
NUR 214 Nsg Transition Concepts 3 0 3 4
NUR 2312 Dynamics of Professional Nursing (RN-BSN Only) WSSU Only * * * 3
NUR 3303 Nursing Research-WSSU * * * 3
NUR 3312 Health Assessment - WSSU * * * 3
NUR 3318 Introduction to Pathophysiology for Nurses - WSSU * * * 3
NUR 4103 Adult Health Nursing I I - WSSU * * * 10
NUR 4203 Care of the Older Adult-WSSU * * * 2
NUR 4304 Leadership and Management of Care - WSSU * * * 3
NUR 4502 Community Health Nursing-WSSU * * * 5
OST 080 Keyboarding Literacy 1 2 0 2
OST 130 Comprehensive Keyboarding 2 2 0 3
OST 134 Text Entry & Formatting 2 2 0 3
OST 135 Adv Text Entry & Format 3 2 0 4
OST 136 Word Processing 2 2 0 3
OST 137 Office Software Applicat 2 2 0 3
OST 138 Advanced Software Appl 2 2 0 3
OST 140 Internet Comm/Research 1 2 0 2
OST 141 Med Terms I-Med Office 3 0 0 3
OST 142 Med Terms II-Med Office 3 0 0 3
OST 148 Med Coding Billing & Insu 3 0 0 3
OST 149 Medical Legal Issues 3 0 0 3
OST 153 Office Finance Solutions 1 2 0 2
OST 162 Executive Terminology NOT AVAILABLE 2015 3 0 0 3
OST 164 Text Editing Applications 3 0 0 3
OST 165 Adv Text Editing Apps 2 2 0 3
OST 181 Intro to Office Systems 2 2 0 3
OST 184 Records Management 2 2 0 3
OST 188 Issues in Office Tech 2 0 0 2
OST 241 Med Ofc Transcription I 1 2 0 2
OST 242 Med Ofc Transcription II NOT AVAILABLE 2015 1 2 0 2
OST 243 Med Office Simulation 2 2 0 3
OST 244 Med Document Production NOT AVAILABLE 2015 1 2 0 2
OST 247 Procedure Coding 1 2 0 2
OST 248 Diagnostic Coding 1 2 0 2
OST 249 CPC Certification 3 2 0 4
OST 281 Emerg Issues in Med Ofc 3 0 0 3
OST 284 Emerging Technologies 1 2 0 2
OST 286 Professional Development 3 0 0 3
OST 289 Administrative Office Mgt 2 2 0 3
PAD 151 Intro to Public Admin NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
PAD 152 Ethics in Government NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
PAD 251 Public Finance & Budgeting NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
PAD 252 Public Policy Analysis NEW VERSION 2015 3 0 0 3
PAD 253 Intro to Urban Planning 3 0 0 3
PAD 254 Grant Writing 3 0 0 3
PED 110 Fit and Well for Life 1 2 0 2
PED 111 Physical Fitness I 0 3 0 1
PED 113 Aerobics I 0 3 0 1
PED 115 Step Aerobics I 0 3 0 1
PED 117 Weight Training I 0 3 0 1
PED 118 Weight Training II 0 3 0 1
PED 119 Circuit Training 0 3 0 1
PED 120 Walking for Fitness 0 3 0 1
PED 121 Walk, Jog, Run 0 3 0 1
PED 122 Yoga I 0 2 0 1
PED 125 Self-Defense Beginning 0 2 0 1
PED 128 Golf-Beginning 0 2 0 1
PED 129 Golf-Intermediate 0 2 0 1
PED 130 Tennis-Beginning 0 2 0 1
PED 132 Racquetball-Beginning 0 2 0 1
PED 137 Badminton 0 2 0 1
PED 139 Bowling-Beginning 0 2 0 1
PED 142 Lifetime Sports 0 2 0 1
PED 143 Volleyball-Beginning 0 2 0 1
PED 145 Basketball-Beginning 0 2 0 1
PED 147 Soccer 0 2 0 1
PED 181 Snow Skiing-Beginning 0 2 0 1
PED 216 Indoor Cycling 0 3 0 1
PED 217 Pilates I 0 2 0 1
PED 230 Shotokan Karate 0 3 0 1
PED 231 Judo 0 3 0 1
PED 232 Aikido 0 3 0 1
PED 233 Ju-Jitsu 0 3 0 1
PED 234 Kung Fu 0 3 0 1
PED 235 Tai Chi 0 3 0 1
PED 236 Kempo 0 3 0 1
PED 237 Tae Kwon Do 0 3 0 1
PED 238 Jeet Kune Do 0 3 0 1
PED 239 Kickboxing 0 3 0 1
PET 235 Cross-Sectional Anatomy 3 0 0 3
PHI 215 Philosophical Issues 3 0 0 3
PHI 230 Introduction to Logic 3 0 0 3
PHI 240 Introduction to Ethics 3 0 0 3
PHM 110 Introduction to Pharmacy 3 0 0 3
PHM 111 Pharmacy Practice I 3 3 0 4
PHM 115 Pharmacy Calculations 3 0 0 3
PHM 118 Sterile Products 3 3 0 4
PHM 120 Pharmacology I 3 0 0 3
PHM 125 Pharmacology II 3 0 0 3
PHM 132 Pharmacy Clinical 0 0 6 2
PHM 133 Pharmacy Clinical 0 0 9 3
PHM 134 Pharmacy Clinical 0 0 12 4
PHM 135 Pharmacy Clinical 0 0 15 5
PHM 136 Pharmacy Clinical 0 0 18 6
PHM 138 Pharmacy Clinical 0 0 24 8
PHM 140 Trends in Pharmacy 2 0 0 2
PHM 150 Hospital Pharmacy 3 3 0 4
PHM 155 Community Pharmacy 2 2 0 3
PHM 160 Pharm Dosage Forms 3 0 0 3
PHM 165 Pharmacy Prof Practice 2 0 0 2
PHM 265 Professional Issues 3 0 0 3
PHY 102 Fundamentals of Physics II 3 2 0 4
PHY 110 Conceptual Physics 3 0 0 3
PHY 110A Conceptual Physics Lab 0 2 0 1
PHY 121 Applied Physics I 3 2 0 4
PHY 122 Applied Physics II 3 2 0 4
PHY 125 Health Sciences Physics 3 2 0 4
PHY 131 Physics-Mechanics 3 2 0 4
PHY 132 Physics-Elec & Magnetism 3 2 0 4
PHY 133 Physics-Sound & Light 3 2 0 4
PHY 151 College Physics I 3 2 0 4
PHY 152 College Physics II 3 2 0 4
PHY 251 General Physics I 3 3 0 4
PHY 252 General Physics II 3 3 0 4
PLU 110 Modern Plumbing 4 15 0 9
PLU 120 Plumbing Applications 4 15 0 9
PLU 130 Plumbing Systems 3 9 0 6
PLU 140 Intro to Plumbing Codes 1 2 0 2
PLU 150 Plumbing Diagrams 1 2 0 2
PMT 110 Intro To Project Mgmt 3 0 0 3
PMT 111 Proj Mgmt Assessing Risk 3 0 0 3
PMT 210 Proj Mgmt Issues 2 2 0 3
PMT 215 Proj Mgmt Leadership 3 0 0 3
PMT 220 Proj Mgmt Capstone 3 0 0 3
POL 110 Intro Political Science 3 0 0 3
POL 120 American Government 3 0 0 3
POL 130 State & Local Government 3 0 0 3
POL 210 Comparative Government 3 0 0 3
POL 220 International Relations 3 0 0 3
PRN 131 Flexography I 2 4 0 4
PRN 155 Screen Printing I 1 3 0 2
PRN 221 Offset Press Operations 1 4 0 3
PRN 240 Print Estimating/Planning 3 0 0 3
PSY 118 Interpersonal Psychology 3 0 0 3
PSY 150 General Psychology 3 0 0 3
PSY 215 Positive Psychology 3 0 0 3
PSY 231 Forensic Psychology 3 0 0 3
PSY 237 Social Psychology 3 0 0 3
PSY 241 Developmental Psych 3 0 0 3
PSY 259 Human Sexuality 3 0 0 3
PSY 281 Abnormal Psychology 3 0 0 3
RAD 110 Rad Intro & Patient Care 2 3 0 3
RAD 111 RAD Procedures I 3 3 0 4
RAD 112 RAD Procedures II 3 3 0 4
RAD 121 Radiographic Imaging I 2 3 0 3
RAD 122 Radiographic Imaging II 1 3 0 2
RAD 131 Radiographic Physics I 1 3 0 2
RAD 151 RAD Clinical ED I 0 0 6 2
RAD 161 RAD Clinical ED II 0 0 15 5
RAD 171 RAD Clinical Ed III 0 0 12 4
RAD 211 RAD Procedures III 2 3 0 3
RAD 231 Radiographic Physics II 1 3 0 2
RAD 241 Radiobiology/Protection 2 0 0 2
RAD 245 Image Analysis 1 3 0 2
RAD 251 RAD Clinical Ed IV 0 0 21 7
RAD 261 RAD Clinical Ed V 0 0 21 7
RAD 271 Radiography Capstone 0 3 0 1
RCP 110 Intro to Respiratory Care 3 3 0 4
RCP 111 Thrapeutics/Diagnostics 4 3 0 5
RCP 112 Patient Management 3 3 0 4
RCP 113 RCP Pharmacology REVISED REQUISITE 2 0 0 2
RCP 114 C-P Anatomy & Physiology 3 0 0 3
RCP 115 C-P Pathophysiology 2 0 0 2
RCP 122 Special Practice Lab 0 2 0 1
RCP 123 Special Practice Lab 0 3 0 1
RCP 132 RCP Clinical Practice I 0 0 6 2
RCP 145 RCP Clinical Practice II 0 0 15 5
RCP 153 RCP Clinical Practice III 0 0 9 3
RCP 210 Critical Care Concepts 3 3 0 4
RCP 211 Adv Monitoring/Procedures 3 3 0 4
RCP 214 Neonatal/Peds RC 1 3 0 2
RCP 215 Career Prep-Adv Level 0 3 0 1
RCP 223 Special Practice Lab 0 3 0 1
RCP 236 RCP Clinical Practice IV 0 0 18 6
RCP 247 RCP Clinical Practice V 0 0 21 7
RCT 110 Introduction to Racing 2 0 0 2
RCT 115 Race Engines Fundamentals 3 6 0 5
RCT 121 Race Car MIG Welding 1 4 0 3
RCT 131 Racing Man/Trans/Pwtrains 2 3 0 3
RCT 141 Basic Race Car Susp/Steer 2 4 0 4
RCT 151 Basic Race Car Brake Sys 2 2 0 3
RCT 161 Basic Race Car Elect Sys 2 6 0 4
RCT 181 Perf Engine Elect Systems 1 3 0 2
RCT 183 Perf Engine Fuel Sys 1 3 0 2
RCT 231 Race Car TIG Welding 2 6 0 4
RCT 252 Racing Engine Preparation 3 9 0 6
RCT 253 Racing Engine Accessories 2 4 0 4
RCT 254 Racing Chassis Fab 2 9 0 5
RCT 255 Racing Sheet Metal Fab 1 3 0 2
RCT 256 Race Car Set-up 3 6 0 5
REL 110 World Religions 3 0 0 3
REL 211 Intro to Old Testament 3 0 0 3
REL 212 Intro to New Testament 3 0 0 3
REL 221 Religion in America 3 0 0 3
RLS 112 Broker Prelicensing 5 0 0 5
RTT 120 Rad Therapy Positioning 2 2 0 3
RTT 121 Special Imaging 2 0 0 2
RTT 130 Radiation Physics for Oncology 3 0 0 3
RTT 150 Rad Therapy Orientation 3 0 0 3
RTT 151 RTT Clinical Ed I 0 0 15 5
RTT 161 RTT Clinical Ed II 0 0 9 3
RTT 210 Radiobiology 2 0 0 2
RTT 221 Clinical Oncology I 3 0 0 3
RTT 222 Clinical Oncology II 3 0 0 3
RTT 230 General RAD THRY Physics 3 0 0 3
RTT 231 Dosimetry 3 0 0 3
RTT 232 Rad Therapy Procedures 2 0 0 2
RTT 234 Clinical Dosimetry 1 3 0 2
RTT 238 RTT Clinical Ed III 0 2 15 6
RTT 239 RTT Clinical Ed IV 0 2 18 7
RTT 240 RTT Clinical Ed III 0 0 18 6
RTT 241 RTT Clinical Ed IV 0 0 21 7
RTT 243 Clinical Ed IV 0 0 18 6
RTT 244 RTT Clinical Ed IV 0 2 15 6
RTT 246 RTT Clinical Ed V 0 0 18 6
RUS 111 Elementary Russian I 3 0 0 3
RUS 112 Elementary Russian II 3 0 0 3
RUS 211 Intermediate Russian I 3 0 0 3
RUS 212 Intermediate Russian II 3 0 0 3
RVM 130 LP Gas Systems/Appliances 1 2 0 2
RVM 160 RV Water Systems 2 4 0 4
RVM 180 Heating/Mechanical System 1 3 0 2
RVM 190 Interior/Exterior Coach 2 4 0 4
SAB 110 Substance Abuse Overview 3 0 0 3
SAB 130 Addictive Behaviors 3 0 0 3
SAB 140 Pharmacology 3 0 0 3
SAB 210 Sub Abuse Counseling 2 2 0 3
SAB 215 Arrest Test and Assess 1 0 0 1
SAB 235 Children and Adolescents 3 0 0 3
SAB 250 Prevention & Education 2 0 0 2
SEC 110 Security Concepts 2 2 0 3
SEC 150 Secure Communications 2 2 0 3
SEC 160 Security Administration I 2 2 0 3
SEC 210 Intrusion Detection 2 2 0 3
SEC 220 Defense-In-Depth 2 2 0 3
SEC 289 Security Capstone Project 1 4 0 3
SGD 112 SGD Design 2 3 0 3
SGD 114 3D Modeling 2 3 0 3
SGD 162 SG 3D Animation 2 3 0 3
SGD 214 3D Modeling II 2 3 0 3
SOC 210 Introduction to Sociology 3 0 0 3
SOC 213 Sociology of the Family 3 0 0 3
SOC 215 Group Processes 3 0 0 3
SOC 220 Social Problems 3 0 0 3
SOC 225 Social Diversity 3 0 0 3
SOC 242 Sociology of Deviance 3 0 0 3
SON 110 Intro to Sonography 1 3 3 3
SON 111 Sonographic Physics 3 3 0 4
SON 112 Sonographic Terminology 1 0 0 1
SON 120 SON Clinical Ed I 0 0 15 5
SON 121 SON Clinical Ed II 0 0 15 5
SON 130 Abdominal Sonography I 2 3 0 3
SON 131 Abdominal Sonography II 1 3 0 2
SON 140 Gynecological Sonography 2 0 0 2
SON 220 SON Clinical Ed III 0 0 24 8
SON 221 SON Clinical Ed IV 0 0 24 8
SON 222 Selected SON Clinical Ed 0 0 6 2
SON 225 Case Studies 0 3 0 1
SON 241 Obstetrical Sonography I 2 0 0 2
SON 242 Obstetrical Sonography II 2 0 0 2
SON 250 Vascular Sonography 1 3 0 2
SON 271 Doppler Sonography Topics 1 3 0 2
SON 272 Advanced Pathology 0 3 0 1
SON 273 Adv Vascular Sonography 2 2 0 3
SON 289 Sonographic Topics 2 0 0 2
SPA 110 Introduction to Spanish 2 0 0 2
SPA 111 Elementary Spanish I 3 0 0 3
SPA 112 Elementary Spanish II 3 0 0 3
SPA 141 Culture and Civilization 3 0 0 3
SPA 161 Cultural Immersion 2 3 0 3
SPA 211 Intermediate Spanish I 3 0 0 3
SPA 212 Intermediate Spanish II 3 0 0 3
SPA 221 Spanish Conversation 3 0 0 3
SST 110 Intro to Sustainability 3 0 0 3
SST 120 Energy Use Analysis 2 2 0 3
SST 130 Modeling Renewable Energy 2 2 0 3
TRF 110 Intro Turfgrass Cult & ID 3 2 0 4
TRN 110 Intro to Transport Tech 1 2 0 2
TRN 120 Basic Transp Electricity 4 3 0 5
TRN 130 Intro to Sustainable Transp 2 2 0 3
TRN 140 Transp Climate Control 1 2 0 2
TRN 140A Transp Climate Cont Lab 1 2 0 2
TRN 145 Adv Transp Electronics 2 3 0 3
TRN 180 Basic Welding for Transp 1 4 0 3
WAT 110 Basic Wastewater Trmt 2 3 0 3
WAT 120 Intro to Water Treatment 2 0 0 2
WAT 161 Solid Waste Management 2 0 0 2
WAT 162 Industrial Waste Trmt 2 0 0 2
WBL 110 World of Work 1 0 0 1
WBL 111 Work-Based Learning I 0 0 10 1
WBL 112 Work-Based Learning I 0 0 20 2
WBL 115 Work-Based Learning Seminar I 1 0 0 1
WBL 121 Work-Based Learning II 0 0 10 1
WBL 122 Work-Based Learning II 0 0 20 2
WBL 125 Work-Based Learning Seminar II 1 0 0 1
WBL 131 Work-Based Learning III 0 0 10 1
WBL 132 Work-Based Learning III 0 0 20 2
WEB 110 Internet/Web Fundamentals 2 2 0 3
WEB 111 Intro to Web Graphics 2 2 0 3
WEB 115 Web Markup and Scripting 2 2 0 3
WEB 120 Intro to Internet Multimedia NEW VERSION 2015 2 2 0 3
WEB 125 Mobile Web Design 2 2 0 3
WEB 140 Web Development Tools 2 2 0 3
WEB 141 Mobile Interface Design 2 2 0 3
WEB 151 Mobile Application Dev I 2 2 0 3
WEB 180 Active Server Pages 2 2 0 3
WEB 182 PHP Programming 2 2 0 3
WEB 186 XML Technology 2 2 0 3
WEB 187 Prog for Mobile Devices 2 2 0 3
WEB 210 Web Design 2 2 0 3
WEB 213 Internet Mkt & Analytics 2 2 0 3
WEB 214 Social Media 2 2 0 3
WEB 230 Implementing Web Serv 2 2 0 3
WEB 240 Internet Security 2 2 0 3
WEB 250 Database Driven Websites 2 2 0 3
WEB 285 Emerging Web Technologies 2 2 0 3
WEB 289 Internet Technologies Project 1 4 0 3
WLD 110 Cutting Processes 1 3 0 2
WLD 112 Basic Welding Processes 1 3 0 2
WLD 113 Soldering and Brazing NEW 2015 1 2 0 2
WLD 115 SMAW [Stick] Plate 2 9 0 5
WLD 116 SMAW [Stick] Plate/Pipe 1 9 0 4
WLD 121 GMAW [MIG] FCAW/Plate 2 6 0 4
WLD 122 GMAW (MIG) Plate/Pipe NEW 2015 1 6 0 3
WLD 131 GTAW [TIG] Plate 2 6 0 4
WLD 132 GTAW [TIG] Plate/Pipe 1 6 0 3
WLD 141 Symbols & Specifications 2 2 0 3
WLD 143 Welding Metallurgy 1 2 0 2
WLD 145 Thermoplastic Welding 1 3 0 2
WLD 151 Fabrication I 2 6 0 4
WLD 215 SMAW [Stick] Pipe 1 9 0 4
WLD 231 GTAW [TIG] Pipe 1 6 0 3
WLD 251 Fabrication II 1 6 0 3
WLD 261 Certification Practices 1 3 0 2
WLD 262 Inspection & Testing 2 2 0 3
WLD 265 Automated Welding/Cutting 2 6 0 4
💙 February 12 is Forsyth Tech’s Day of Giving! 💙 Your gift changes lives—support students, faculty, and staff today!
Holiday Update! 🎅 Campus closed, but get virtual help for spring registration on Dec 20, 23, 27, 30 (8 AM-4 PM).